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My Wife's Sexy Sister (fm:adultery, 9007 words)

Author: Bornost Picture in profile
Added: Oct 06 2024Views / Reads: 2744 / 2091 [76%]Story vote: 9.45 (11 votes)
My wife's gorgeous sister and I, unexpectedly spend some alone time at home.

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used to." She sips her drink, the whiskey warming her insides.

I take a sip, listening to her closely, with concern.

"Tell me, what's going on? How are you two doing? We haven't really talked in ages... I know it must be so hard for you being her with the kids and without him..."

Olya's cheeks color a soft pink as she looks into her whiskey, swirling the amber liquid. She takes a deep breath, her chest rising gently. "We're... managing. It's been four months, and every day feels like an eternity. The kids miss him so much. I try to keep their spirits up, but it's hard." She takes a sip, her eyes misting over. "The intimacy... it's just not the same with just messages and calls, you know?" She sighs, her shoulders dropping slightly. Her gaze meet mine, searching for understanding. "It's just... sometimes, I feel so... unseen." She bites her lower lip, looking away shyly. "But enough about me. How have you been holding up with Katya's... extracurriculars?"

I smile, my expression somewhat melancholic. "You know, we've drifted apart so much. We weren't great before opening our relationship, I've told you before, we used to fuck only when we got away from the kids out of town for a concert or something and got a room. I suppose, it's partially my fault, she got so heavy, and I don't feel that attracted to her anymore... So now..." I sigh, " I guess we find outside of the marriage whatever we are missing here...Like you said, we make it work somehow..."

Olya nods, her gaze still on her drink. "I understand that feeling, more than you know. With Dima... it's just different. We've had our ups and downs, of course, but the war..." she swallows hard, taking a sip to steady her voice. "It's changed everything. He's so focused on getting out, on surviving, and I'm just here, trying to keep our lives together." Her eyes glisten with unshed tears. "I miss the connection, the touch, the passion..." She takes a deep breath, her chest rising and falling beneath the fabric of her blouse. "I'm a good wife, Nick. I love him. I just... I need someone to talk to, to remind me that I'm still a woman, not just a mother and caretaker, you know?!"

I look at her with sympathy and care. Moving closer, I sit on the couch next to her, placing my glass on the coffee table before us. Turning to Olya, I reach out with my arms for a hug, pulling her close to me and keeping her in my arms for a few seconds. "I know, Olya. I know...I'm always here for you, I hope you know that!"

Olya leans into my embrace, feeling the warmth and comfort. Her eyes close briefly, savoring the moment of human contact that isn't solely familial. She's missed the gentle touch of a man, the reassurance that she's not just a wife and mother, but a woman. She whispers against my chest, "Thank you, Nick. It means so much to have someone who gets it." She pulls away, wiping at the corners of her eyes with a shaky hand. "But let's not talk about it anymore. I don't want to ruin the night." She tries to smile, picking up her whiskey and taking a slightly larger sip. "Tell me, what's new with you?"

"You are right, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to bring the mood down." I say, trying to smile, sipping from my scotch too. "You know, same old.. Trying to distract myself while your sister explores her black dudes, ha-ha!"

The room falls silent for a moment, filled only with the sound of the ice in our drinks against the glasses. Olya giggles a little, a soft, almost nervous sound. She's always had a great sense of humor, and even in the face of her own troubles, she can appreciate the absurdity of our situation. She takes another sip, and I can see the alcohol working its magic, bringing a bit of color to her cheeks. She's always been so beautiful, but tonight she seems more vulnerable, more open than ever before.

"I've been seeing this woman", I continue, "I know she loves me, but she doesn't trust me at all and brings so much drama. I think I might have to break up with her and look for a new connection... This is basically it. Katya and I sleep in separate rooms and fuck about twice a year, ha-ha!"

Olya's eyes widen at the revelation, her curiosity piqued. "Oh no, Nick. That doesn't sound healthy at all. Drama in relationships sucks!" She takes another sip of her whiskey, the warmth spreading through her body and loosening her tongue. She leans back into the couch, "It's hard to imagine you with someone who doesn't trust you. You're a good man, a great father. I think it's a shame you and Katya are doing... this..." She smiles with concern, her gaze lingering on him. Her shyness is still present, but the alcohol is gently coaxing her to open up. "Thank you for your kind words, sis! It is what it is. I've tried to talk to her about stopping, but she's not ready, so we keep going this way... And what about you, Olya?" I ask, turning the conversation back to her. "How have you been coping with, you know... for months now?" I'm obviously implying her lack of intimacy.

"It's... it's been hard..." She fiddles with the hem of her shirt, her thumb rubbing the smooth fabric in a repetitive motion. "I've tried to keep busy, but at the end of the day, when everyone's asleep, it's just me and my thoughts. And sometimes, I get so... lonely." She looks up at me, her eyes a deep shade of blue, almost pleading.

"I bet...Um...well... You know I'm crazy and have no reasons to pretend or hide with you. I probably can... give you one of your sisters toys, you know." I wink teasingly.

A blush creeps up Olya's neck, coloring her cheeks. She giggles nervously, looking away from my piercing gaze. "Nick!" she admonishes, but there's a hint of playfulness in her voice. "That's so... forward!" She takes a deep breath, her chest rising and falling gently, the fabric of her blouse stretching slightly. "But... I won't lie, it's been a while for me," she whispers, her eyes meeting his for a brief moment before darting away again. "I've tried to keep busy," She twists the ring on her finger, "But sometimes, when I'm... well, you know, I miss the feeling of someone else's touch."

"Well, I'm always here, hahahaha!" I laugh out suggestively, drinking up and getting up to fix us another round of drinks.

Olya can't help but laugh a little at my joke, the tension in the room momentarily dissipating. She watches me move around the room with ease, feeling a familiar comfort in my presence. "You always know how to make me laugh, even when things are tough." She takes a deep breath, her chest rising slightly as she tries to compose herself. "But we should probably stick to just talking, right?" she says, her voice wavering slightly. She's flattered by his offer even though she knows he's joking. She takes a sip of her whiskey, the liquid burning a trail down her throat. "I just miss feeling desired, you know?" she admits, her eyes flicking to the side to gauge my reaction.

I hand her a newly fixed drink and looking into her eyes, I say in a serious tone: "Olya, you know you are my ultimate temptation. There is no other woman I desire so much and feel so restricted because of our families... You know I don't want to compromise anything or hurt and upset anyone... But I like you and crave you like I have never wanted any other woman! I swear!" I know this might be too much to share but we have had similar conversations before when I have shared how much I like her and want to fuck her, my incredible wife's sister.

Olya's heart skips a beat at my words. She's known he liked her before, through their open conversations online and the occasional pictures, but hearing it aloud feels like a slap in the face with a velvet glove - shocking yet alluring. She sips her whiskey, her eyes searching mine, looking for any sign of a joke or insincerity. "Nick..." she whispers, her hand trembling slightly as she sets the glass down on the coffee table. "I... I don't know what to say. We've always had this... connection, but you know we can't... we shouldn't." She takes a deep breath, her breasts rising and falling with the effort. "But I can't lie," she admits, her cheeks flushing, "I've thought about it too..." Her eyes drop to her lap, where her hands are tightly clasped. "I just don't know if I could handle the guilt..."

I can't believe she has had such thoughts too, "Really? You have thought about us fucking?" Not able to control myself, I stare at Olya for her answer...

Olya feels the heat rising in her cheeks as she nods, her eyes still cast downward. "Yes... I have," she murmurs, her voice barely above a whisper. She takes another sip of her whiskey, the liquid courage warming her insides. She glances up at me, her gaze meeting mine for a brief, electric moment. "But it's just a thought, Nick. We're married. You're with my sister for Christ sake's!" She sets the glass down, her hand shaking slightly. The room feels smaller, the air thick with unspoken desires.

"Well, nobody needs to know... Ever!" I smile wickedly, the liquor is making me braver and crazier. I stare at Olya intensely awaiting her response.

Olya's breath hitches as she considers my words, her eyes darting around the room before finally resting on the half-empty whiskey glass. She's quiet for a moment, contemplating the weight of his suggestion. Her cheeks are flushed, and her pupils are dilated from both the alcohol and the thrill of the conversation. Her hand shakes as she reaches for the glass, taking a larger sip this time. She licks her lips, leaving a glistening trail that draws me in. "I... You are crazy, Nick! I know you are addicted." Her voice is a soft whisper, the desire in her eyes unmistakable.

"Addicted to you! ha-ha!" I laugh out.

Olya's eyes widen slightly at the directness of Nick's statement, a shy smile playing on her lips. She takes a moment to collect her thoughts, her heart racing. She's always found me attractive, but the situation is complicated, and she doesn't want to ruin the friendship they have. "Nick..." she says, her voice a breathy whisper. She sets the glass down, her hand trembling slightly. "You know I can't... We can't. I need intimacy, yes, but not like that. I'm married to Dima, and you're with Katya. Period!" Her eyes searched his, looking for understanding. She bites her lower lip, her gaze dropping to my hands as they rest on the armrest. Despite her words, her body is sending mixed signals, her chest rising and falling with each shallow breath. She takes a deep breath, trying to ignore the warmth spreading through her body. "Let's not talk about it anymore," she suggests, her voice wavering. "Let's just enjoy our drinks and the quiet tonight."

A bit disappointed and not willing to move on from the subject so easily, I smile. "Ah, Olya... What if we play a game? Truth or dare? We can just have a little fun with it, nothing major, don't worry!"

Olya looks at me with a mix of curiosity and wariness. She's aware of the games this could lead to, but the prospect of breaking the tension with something light-hearted is appealing. She nibbles on her lower lip, her eyes darting between my face and her drink. The whiskey has loosened her inhibitions enough to consider it. "Okay, fine," she says, her voice a soft murmur. "But remember, just fun, no funny business." She takes a deep breath, trying to calm the flutter in her stomach. "I'll start with a truth. Why did you marry Katya?"

"Okay, fair enough. I married her because I wanted kids, and I figured I won't find anyone better at the time. I got used to her and out of convenience, I gave up and proposed... and then I saw what an amazing sister she had!"

A giggle escapes her, the tension in the room lightening slightly. "You always knew how to flatter me, Nick." She takes a sip of her whiskey, the warmth of it spreading through her body, making her feel tipsy. "But you know I'm not like that, not really." She shifts in her seat, her eyes never leaving mine. "I might have used Katya's toys once or twice," she admits, her cheeks turning a brighter shade of pink, "But I'm a pretty good girl overall." She looks away, her eyes scanning the room again. "I just have... my needs." Her voice trails off, and she takes another deep breath. "What about you, Nick? How do you cope with your needs?"

"I'll answer you, but I have a question for you too. First your question. You know, I jerk off...a few times a week and you know what?! I often look at the pics you've sent me! And I stroke it so good! Hahaha!" I laugh wickedly... "Now you answer me this, do you shave her bare or do you leave a "landing strip"?" I wink.

Olya feels a rush of heat flood her cheeks, her eyes widening at my question. She takes a deep breath, trying to regain her composure. "Oh my God, Nick!" she giggles, her voice a mix of embarrassment and excitement. "I-I can't believe you asked me that!" She takes another sip of whiskey, feeling the warmth spread through her. "Well, I... I usually shave it all off," she admits, her voice a bit shakier than before. She looks down at her drink, twirling the ice with her finger. "It's just something I like, you know? It makes me feel... cleaner." She laughs nervously, her eyes darting around the room. "But let's not talk about that. It's too much, even for us." She takes a deep breath, trying to change the subject. "Your turn. Have you ever tried anything... kinky?"

I shiver hearing her ask me this. I've been adventurous and very experimental since I was young and I'm happy to hear Olya bringing it up. "Well, you just hit the nail on the head! Haha!" I sip from my drink and sit back on the couch next to her. "My favorite kink is sharing my partner. I love looking at my girl getting fucked... In college, I've done many threesomes - fucking girls with a friend and even a couple of times, with my brother! I've also done some swinging. You know Katya and I started looking for people together and have fucked a few couples, swapping partners, before she decided to be on her own with her blacks..."

Olya's cheeks flushed a deeper shade of pink as she hears my revelation, her eyes widening slightly. She's always had a curiosity about such things but has never had the opportunity to explore them herself. The idea of sharing a partner with someone is both thrilling and terrifying to her. "Wow, Nick," she whispers, her voice a mix of awe and shyness. "That's... intense." She takes another sip of her whiskey, "What's it like, watching someone else with your partner?" Her gaze lingers on me, her curiosity piqued. She's always been a sexual person, but her experiences have been limited to the confines of her marriage. The thought of such freedom and openness is both exciting but maybe too overwhelming for her.

"It's hot and fun! I just love watching a woman working two cocks! Sharing my partner and looking at her being pleasured. Would you ever consider anything like this? And my turn to ask, do you have any kinks at all? Anything kinky you've fantasized about? Remember this is truth or dare!", I smile as I continue drinking.

"Nick, that's... so wild!" She takes a sip of her whiskey, her eyes wide and a little glazed from the alcohol. "I've never done anything like that before. I don't know if I'd be down to do it..." She giggles, feeling the warmth spread through her cheeks. "As for my experience... I don't know. I've always just enjoyed our vanilla sex with my husband. I like it when he's dominant... You know I like lingerie too." She looks at me with a slightly glassy gaze, "But... I have used toys," she admits, her voice barely above a whisper. "Just to... you know, take the edge off when he's not around."

"Do you want me to bring one of Katya's toys? I'd love to see you... play with one..." my heart racing as I offered this.

"Nick, you're such a pervert," she giggles, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "But... I might have used one of her vibrators before. Hihi" She blushes deeply as she smiles, "It was just... something to help with the loneliness. I've told you, I need it...daily..." She looks away, her voice dropping to a whisper.

"I know.. I love it when you tell me details like this! I wish I could see you, but yeah... I understand. But we haven't done any dare, so let me think of a challenge for you...Hm....maybe since you can't use the toy now, you can take off your shirt" I smile playfully.

A nervous giggle escapes Olya's lips as she considers my dare. She looks down at her blouse, her fingers toying with the top button. She's feeling more daring than usual, thanks to the whiskey. She takes a deep breath, her chest rising and falling with the anticipation. "Okay, but only if you promise not to tell anyone," she whispers, her eyes meeting mine with a mix of excitement and fear. I nod eagerly, not believing she would dare do it. She slowly lifts her shirt up, her hands shaking slightly. She lets it fall down, revealing her black lace bralette. Her breasts are small but perky, the bra pushing them up and together, creating a tantalizing view.

She crosses her arms over her chest, covering her bra. "There," she says with a shy smile, her cheeks a brilliant shade of red. "Now your turn."

"What should I do?" I tease...

"Well, if you want to keep playing, I dare you to tell me what you're wearing underneath," Olya says with a naughty smirk, her cheeks still flushed from her own revelation. She takes a sip of her whiskey, watching my reaction closely.

"Underneath my shirt? Or under my jeans?" I laugh, obviously drunk.

Olya giggles, "Under your jeans, of course," she says, her voice a mix of teasing and shyness. "But if you're too shy, I understand," she adds with a wink, taking another sip of her drink.

"Hahaha, too shy? Me?! Never!" I take her challenge and slowly unbutton my jeans, pulling them all the way down to my ankles, revealing my dark blue undies and my package.. "Well...Am I shy?"

Olya's eyes widen as I reveal my boxer briefs, her breath catching in her throat. It's been a while since she has seen her sister's husband like this. She feels a strange mix of excitement and guilt, but the whiskey is doing its job, loosening her inhibitions. She swallows hard, her eyes lingering on the outline of my member under the fabric. "Wow, Nick," she murmurs, her voice thick with unknown excitement. "You're not shy after all." She takes another sip of her whiskey, the liquid courage spreading through her veins. "What do you wear under there?" she asks, blushing red as her curiosity getting the better of her. She's never been one to hold back when she's tipsy, and the openness of their conversation is bringing out a side of her she rarely shows.

"Wanna see?!" I tease as I love our game so much.

Olya's heart races at the suggestion, her eyes widening.

Olya's cheeks burn as she watches my fingers fiddle with the waistband of the boxer briefs. The tension in the room was palpable, and she could feel her own heartbeat echoing in her chest. Despite her shyness, the whiskey had emboldened her, making her feel a bit more daring than usual. I keep staring at her, awaiting her response.

"Nick, are you sure you want to do this?" she asks, her voice a soft whisper. "We shouldn't... I mean, we're family." But even as she says the words, she can't help but lean in closer, her eyes drawn to the bulge in his briefs.

"Um, do what?" I keep playing the fool, my budge visibly swelling in my tight undies.

Olya's gaze is fixed on Nick's bulge, her mind racing with thoughts. The alcohol has definitely loosened her inhibitions, and she feels a thrill she hasn't experienced in a long time. The last 4 months of abstinence definitely affected her more than she realized until now. She bites her lower lip, her heart pounding in her chest. "I... I don't know, Nick," she says, her voice unsteady. She's torn between the desire to see it and the fear of crossing a line. But the daring side of her that's been coaxed out by the whiskey wins, and she nods slowly. "Okay, but just for a second," she says, her eyes flicking up to meet mine. She takes another sip of her whiskey, the liquid burning a path down her throat, fueling her bravado.

"Tell me what's your dare!" I ask her bluntly.

Olya's eyes flit down to my crotch, where his briefs are tented with his growing arousal. She feels a mix of excitement and nervousness, her own body responding to the charged atmosphere. She takes a deep breath, her breasts rising and falling with the effort. "I dare you to... let me see," she whispers, her voice thick from the scotch. She's never been this bold before, but the whiskey has given her a sense of recklessness she can't ignore. She watches me with anticipation, her heart racing in her chest. The room feels hot, and she's acutely aware of every beat of her heart, every breath she takes. She has always been a good girl, but she can't deny the thrill of this moment. "Just for a second," she adds, her voice a little shakier this time.

Gulping with excitement, I pull down my briefs, revealing a fat, meaty, half-swollen penis, larger than average... "Here!" I keep it exposed for about a minute, staring at Olya and her reaction, excited like never before in my life.

Olya's eyes widen as I reveal myself to her. She's seen pictures before, but the reality is so much more... potent. Her cheeks flush a deeper shade of red, and she can feel her heart racing in her chest. She takes a gulp of her whiskey, her hand shaking slightly. "Wow!" she whispers, her voice hoarse. "You're... you're really something else." She tries to keep her gaze on my face, but her eyes keep drifting down to my exposed cock. She's never seen one in person that isn't her husband's since they got married, and the novelty of it is both thrilling and terrifying.

The room is filled with the scent of alcohol and the palpable tension of unspoken desires. Olya's eyes are glued to my cock, she's torn between the thrill of this moment and the fear of what might happen if they go too far.

I pull my briefs back up. "Ok, that's it, you said show it for a bit, right?" I tease, smiling. "Now, your turn! Show me them!" I point at her breasts.

She looks at me, her cheeks aflame. "Okay," she whispers, her voice thick with whiskey and excitement. She reaches behind her back and unclasps her bra, letting it fall away from her breasts. I can't believe my eyes! They're small, but they're perfect. Her nipples are pink, hard, and begging for attention. She giggles nervously, covering herself again with one hand. "Are you happy now?" she asks, a hint of challenge in her voice.

"Oh, my fucking God, Olya!!!" I exclaim, my heart is about to explode. "You have no idea, I've waited for this for so many years!!! Wow! They are amazing, incredible!!! I love them!!!"

Olya blushes deeply, her cheeks a rosy hue in the dimly lit room. She feels a rush of excitement and vulnerability, her heart racing as she watches the raw hunger in my eyes. She's always known that I found her attractive, but to see it so clearly displayed on my face is intoxicating. She takes a deep breath feeling both, bold and anxious. "Thank you, Nick," she murmurs, her voice trembling slightly. She can't help but feel a little thrill at my reaction, despite the guilt tugging at the back of her mind. Her eyes drop to her breasts, the tips of her nipples peeking out from under her hand. "But we really shouldn't be doing this," she says, though the protest lacks conviction. She's surprised she's allowing herself so much freedom, but she's also a sexual being with needs that aren't being met. And here she is, with the one person who's made her feel desired in a long time, the one person who's seen her at her most vulnerable and still finds her so attractive. She takes a sip of her whiskey, the burn reminding her that she's still in control, despite how tipsy she's feeling. "Let's just enjoy our drinks," she suggests, her voice barely above a whisper. She doesn't want to push things too far, but she can't deny the pulsing ache between her legs either, a silent plea for attention.

"Ugh...okay..." I sigh disappointed. I feel like we were so close and yet the barriers remain too big between us... I sip from my drink looking away...

"Thanks, Nick," she says, her voice a little shaky. She takes another sip of her whiskey, trying to calm her racing thoughts. "I just... I don't know what to do. I love him, but I feel like he's not the same man I married." She plays with the hem of her shirt, her eyes downcast. "And now, with you showing me this..." She looks up at him, her eyes searching his face for reassurance.

"I'm here for you sis. No matter what happens. You can always talk to me about anything. No judgment! Please trust me, I care about you so much. I love our conversations and you know your secrets are safe with me."

Olya sighs, all kinds of thoughts and emotions running inside her, "Thank you! You know I appreciate and value our friendship, even if you are a bit too crazy sometimes..."

Without much thinking, my mind blurry from the alcohol, I lean toward her and kiss her on the lips...

Olya gasps, she's surprised by the suddenness of my actions, her eyes widening as she feels the pressure of his lips on hers. For a moment, she's frozen, unsure of how to react. Then, almost against her will, she responds, her body melting into the kiss. It's been so long since she's felt this kind of passion toward her, and she finds herself unwillingly craving more. Her hand moves from my chest to my shoulder, her fingers digging into my shirt.

Her response encourages me to continue kissing her, my lips parting, my tongue searching for hers.

Olya's body responds instinctively to my kiss, the whiskey having dulled her usual timidness. Her mouth opens slightly, allowing my tongue to slip in and dance with hers in a slow, sensual rhythm. She can feel the heat from my body, and the way my hand is gently caressing her cheek sends shivers down her spine. The sensation is foreign yet oddly familiar, like a long-lost memory she's suddenly rediscovered. Her hand moves to my neck, pulling me closer. The room seems to spin around her, the only anchor being the warmth of my mouth on hers. She's lost in the moment, surrendering to the desire to be totally free, maybe for the first time in her life.

"Oh my God, I want you so much Olya! " I whisper in her ear.

Olya's breath hitches in her throat as she feels my breath on her ear, my words sending a shiver down her spine. She's torn between the thrill of the moment and the fear of the consequences. Her hand, which has been tentatively exploring my neck, now grips me tightly, her nails digging into my skin. She knows she should stop this, that it's wrong, but the whiskey has dulled her inhibitions and feeling a man's body against hers is too tempting to resist. "Nick, we can't..." she whispers back, but her voice is weak, betraying her own desires. Her eyes flutter shut, and she leans into me, her body responding to my touch. She feels my hand slide down her back, and under her, cupping her butt, pulling her closer. The room is spinning, and she's lost in the haze of alcohol and passion. Her thoughts are a jumble of doubt and desire, but she can't bring herself to push me away now, even if it means crossing a line she never thought she would.

I think to myself, it's now or never... I've wanted her like I have never wanted anyone else! We keep kissing, as I'm undoing her bra with my right hand, taking if off and throwing it on the floor, exposing Olya's amazing breasts, caressing her nipples gently with my palm while my lips and tongue continue playing with hers sensually. Her resistance fades as the desire overwhelms her, and she allows herself to be drawn further into the illicit encounter, the alcohol and pent-up frustration silencing her inner voice of caution.

Olya gasps as my hand finds her bare skin, her nipples hardening under my touch. Her mind swirls with conflicting emotions - guilt, excitement, fear, and a burning need she hadn't felt in ages. She tries to find the strength to pull away, but her body seems to have a will of its own. She arches her back slightly, pressing her breasts into his hand, the pleasure too intense to ignore. "Nick... we can't," she whispers again, but the protest is barely audible.

The whiskey has turned the volume down on both our consciences, and the room seems to shrink around us, the only sounds coming from our heavy breaths and the soft moans escaping Olya's lips. My hand moves from her cheek to the back of her neck, gently guiding her to deepen the kiss, my other hand cupping her breast, my thumb flicking her erect nipple. My thumb traces circles around her nipple, sending waves of pleasure through her body, and she can feel my erection pressing against her thigh. She wants to pull away, to remember who they are and the lives they live, but this unknown sensation is telling her to just let go, just this once. As my hand moves down to the button of her jeans, she doesn't have the will to stop it. Her own hands are clutching at my shirt, pulling me closer. The whiskey has turned her thoughts into a foggy haze, and all she can focus on is the here and now. She feels my hand slip under the waistband of her underwear, my fingers grazing the soft skin of her lower abdomen. She gasps, the sudden sensation sending a shock through her body. She's not sure if she's imagining it, but she swears she feels wetness seeping through her panties. My hand is moving lower now, my fingers playing with the fabric of her thong and all she can do is feel, and right now, she feels alive.

I look up at her, our eyes locking, and I sees the desire in them, mirroring my own. I lean in, pressing my mouth to her neck, kissing, and nipping at the sensitive skin. Her moans are music to my ears, and I know I just can't stop now.

My kisses turn more urgent, moving from her neck down to her collarbone, then lower still. I take one of her perfectly shaped nipples in my mouth, rolling it gently with his tongue, feeling it harden and sucking on it. Olya gasps, arching her back, her hand moving to the back of my head, pressing me closer. I move to her other breast, giving it the same attention, savoring the feel of her skin under my mouth. I bite her nipples gently, sucking on them savoring her sweet taste.

A soft moan escapes her as my teeth graze her sensitive nipples, the sensations traveling straight to her core. She closes her eyes, giving in to the moment, letting the warmth of my mouth consume her.

I leave her breasts, trailing kisses down her trembling abdomen. Unzipping her jeans, I slide them down, tasting the sweetness of her skin as I descend. I reach the band of her thong and tug it aside with my teeth, exposing her neatly trimmed mound. I pause for a moment, breathing in her scent, savoring the anticipation, my heart about to explode with excitement and the view of her bare pussy. Then, I dive in, my tongue exploring her folds with an eagerness that's both surprising and exhilarating. Olya's legs quiver as I kiss her clit, swirling around it before sucking it into my mouth. I groan with pleasure, feeling her wetness against my face, and she gasps, her hand flying to my bald head to hold me in place.

My hands grip her hips firmly, holding her as my mouth works magic on her sensitive flesh. My tongue laps at her, long, slow strokes that make her toes curl and her breath hitch. She's never felt on fire like this. She can't believe this is happening, her sister's husband of all people, but the taboo only adds to the thrill making everything even more exciting. She can feel an orgasm building, a crescendo of pleasure that threatens to shatter her into a million pieces. She's never felt this way before, and she's powerless to stop it now.

"Mmmm you taste amazing... Mmmm, I can eat your pussy all day," I murmur while slurping on her hot pussy, my face covered in her juices and my saliva.

My oral exploration of Olya's body intensifies as I keep licking and sucking her clit, bringing her to the brink of a release. Despite the taboo, she's overwhelmed by the pleasure, her body reacting to my touch. My whispers of appreciation and awe, only add to the eroticism of the moment, leaving her trembling and craving more.

She's never felt so exposed, so vulnerable, and yet so alive. Her hand clutches at the fabric of the couch cushion, her nails digging in deep as she tries to anchor herself to reality. She can't believe she's letting this happen, but the feeling of my mouth on her is too intense to resist. She throws her head back, her eyes squeezed shut, and her hips rock slightly against my face. The sound of my slurping fills the room, and she can feel her orgasm building, the tension coiling tightly in her stomach. She whimpers, her body begging for release, and she can't help but push herself closer onto my eager mouth. She had no idea this side of her existed, and she's riding the wave of desire without a care in the world, feeling wild and free.

I feel Olya's thighs tense around my head, her breathing becoming shallower and more erratic. I can sense she's close, and the thought of making her climax sends a thrill through my whole being. I double my efforts, my tongue moving faster, pressing harder against her clit. I slide a finger into her slick folds, feeling her tightening around it. I'm so lost in the moment, the taste of her is driving me absolutely wild. Suddenly, she stiffens, and a gush of wetness floods my mouth. She cries out, her body shaking with the force of her orgasm. I keep licking, my finger moving inside her, savoring every drop of her pleasure, until she collapses back against the couch, her breath coming in ragged gasps. I pull away, my face glistening with her juices, a smug smile playing on my lips.

Olya opens her eyes, her cheeks flushed and her chest heaving. She stares at me, her mind racing with what just happened. She's never felt so wanted, so desired. She runs her fingers through her hair, trying to compose herself. "Nick... I... I can't believe we just did that," she whispers, her voice shaky.

I lean back on the couch feeling so happy, my penis throbbing hard in my briefs. "I loved every second of it!" my face still covered in her juices.

Olya looks at me with a mix of shock and pleasure, her chest still heaving from the intense climax. She's never felt so exposed, so... adventurous and wild. "Nick, that was... amazing," she admits, her voice barely above a whisper. She tries to sit up, tugging her thong and jeans back up. "But we can't... we shouldn't have." Her face is still flushed, she looks so beautiful.

Looking at her putting her jeans back on, I don't want to lose the moment, we're still intoxicated both from the alcohol and the intense experience, and I don't want this night to end.... I reach out to take her hand and as I rise up, I place it on my bulge thought the briefs...

Olya feels my hand on hers, guiding it to my crotch, and she can feel the heat and hardness of my erection even through the fabric of my pants. Her eyes widen, and she looks at me with a mix of shock and arousal. She knows she should stop, that this is going too far, but she's still feeling the effect of my mouth on her, leaving her craving more. Her hand lingers for a moment, unsure of what to do next. Then, with a tremble, she squeezes me gently, feeling the throb of my desire. "Nick, I... I've never done anything like this before," she whispers, her voice thick with lust. Despite the alcohol, she's acutely aware of the gravity of the situation, her heart racing in her chest. "But I... I want to make you feel good too." Her hand moves along my shaft through the fabric, her eyes never leaving mine, searching for any sign of hesitation or regret.

"I've dreamed of you for so long Olya, I don't want you to do anything you don't want to, but I know I want you so much! Nobody will ever know about this! It's our little secret, just like we've had our little conversations for so many years. I trust you and I know you trust me."

Olya's hand trembles on my erection, her thoughts racing. She's never been so bold, so wanton. Yet, here she is, feeling her sister's husband's cock. She can feel the pulsing heat through the fabric, and it sends a jolt of excitement through her body. She bites her lower lip, her eyes locked on mine, searching for reassurance. "Nick... I do trust you," she whispers, her voice a mix of desire and fear. "But what if... what if we get caught?" Despite her reservations, her hand continues to explore me, her curiosity piqued by the thickness of my penis. She can feel her own wetness, a stark reminder of the path we're treading. She takes a deep breath, letting it out slowly as she decides to live in this moment of passion, if only for a little longer.

"Nobody will ever find out! Ever! I promise you, just like nobody ever saw the pictures you've sent me, and I know nobody else has ever seen the bad pictures I've sent you through the years!" My voice is serious and honest, I look into her eyes.

Olya's heart is racing as she considers the promise in my eyes. She's never felt so hot, inside, and out, so desired, to the point where she's willing to consider the unthinkable. She nods slowly, her hand still on me. "Okay," she murmurs, "just this once. We can't let this happen again, but..." Her hand moves to top of my briefs. She takes a deep breath and pulls it down, exposing my hard cock as if flops out. It looks bigger than she expected, and she feels a thrill of fear and excitement wash over her.

Olya's eyes widen as she takes in the sight of my cock. It's thick and veiny, the head a plump, meaty mushroom that makes her mouth water. Her hand moves from the shaft to cup my heavy, shaved balls, feeling the weight of them in her palm. She runs a finger along the length of my cock, watching as a bead of precum forms at the tip. She can't help but lean in, the manly scent filling her nostrils, and licks the salty drop away. The taste of it sends a shiver down her spine, but she's too far gone to care right now. She wraps her hand around me, stroking my penis gently as she slides from the couch onto her knees and adjusting herself between my legs, then she takes another sip of whiskey, her eyes never leaving mine. "You're so... big," she whispers, a hint of awe in her voice.

My eyes are glued to Olya as she strokes me, her eyes filled with a mix of curiosity and wild desire. Her touch is light, almost tentative, but it's enough to drive me wild. I sit back on the couch, my hands gripping the cushions as she takes me in her mouth for the first time. The sight of her amazing face, my cock disappearing between her soft, pink lips, is something I've dreamed about for years. I've never felt so excited! It's as if every nerve in my body is on fire, and I can't get enough of her. "Oh, Olya," I groan, my voice thick with lust. "You're so incredible!!!"

Olya's eyes water slightly as she takes more of me into her mouth, her cheeks hollowing out as she sucks my cock. She can feel my heavy balls churning in her palm, and she knows I'm close. She's never felt so powerful, so in control. She looks up into my eyes, watching the ecstasy play out on my face as she keeps my member inside her beautiful mouth.

I can't believe this is happening - my sister-in-law sucking me off like a pro, her cheeks hollowing out and her mouth, eagerly watering around my cock. Her hand is a blur, stroking me in time with her mouth, and I can feel my balls tightening, her touch driving me wild.

Olya feels bolder than ever before. She looks up at me, my eyes filled with lust as she takes more of me into her mouth, her tongue swirling around the thick shaft. She's never felt so... naughty. She feels my cock pulsate in her mouth, she takes a deep breath and redoubles her efforts, her hand squeezing my heavy balls gently, feeling them tighten in her grasp. I can feel my orgasm building, the heat at the tip of my cock growing more intense with every stroke of her tongue. "Oh, fuck, Olya!" I groan, my hips bucking slightly. "You're gonna make me cum." The words come out as a warning, a plea for her not to stop.

She feels the power in her control, the knowledge that she's bringing me to the edge. She takes me deeper into her mouth, her hand stroking it in rhythm with her sucks as her head keeps bobbing up and down my shaft. The room is spinning, but the only thing that feels real is the heat of my cock on her tongue and the thrill of her own desire.

My hips buck upwards, pushing my cock deeper into her mouth. The tension is unbearable, and I know I can't hold on any longer. Olya feels it swell even more in her mouth, and she knows the moment of truth is approaching. She's both terrified and thrilled, something primal takes over her whole being, and she sucks harder, eager to taste me.

I surrender to the intensity of her lips and explode into her mouth. She feels a warm, thick liquid fill her mouth and she chokes slightly, her eyes watering. She's never tasted a man before, and the reality of it is both shocking and exhilarating. She pulls back, letting my cum spurt out onto her face and chest, painting her in a sticky mess. She's breathless, her heart racing as she looks up at me, her eyes glazed over with lust.

My cock twitches in the aftermath of its climax, still oozing cum onto Olya's chin as she keeps pulling it gently. I look down at her, her face a beautiful mess of my pleasure, my heart racing so fast. I can't believe what we have just done, but the sight of her like this only makes me want her more. I gently stroke her cheek with my thumb, smearing the sticky semen across her skin. "You're so gorgeous," I murmurs, my voice hoarse with passion.

Olya's eyes widen as she licks her lips, tasting my cum, the salty, bitter taste coating her mouth. The reality of the situation hits her like a ton of bricks, sobering her up faster than any cold shower could. She pulls away, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, the taste of me still lingering. She looks up at me, a mix of confusion and lust swirling in her gaze.

I watch as Olya pulls away, her eyes filled with a mix of shock and awe. "You're so amazing," I murmur, my voice low and husky. "So sexy. So beautiful..."

Olya blushes at the compliments, standing up and swaying slightly. She's still feeling the effects of the whiskey, but the intensity of the moment is starting to wear off. She looks down at herself, the sticky mess on her chest and chin, and suddenly the gravity of what we've done hits her. "Oh my god," she whispers, her hand flying to her mouth. "What have we done?"

My eyes never leave Olya's body - the sight of her kneeling before me, my cock in her mouth, her gorgeous body, her tits, her ass and this yummy pussy, my cum on her face - it's something I would never forget! I stand up and reach out, wiping a strand of hair from her face and smearing the sticky fluid further. "It was incredible, Olya," I say, my voice filled with genuine affection. "But you're right, I know we can't let this happen again. We'll keep this dirty little secret between us forever," I whisper.

Olya nods, her breath coming in shallow gasps. "Yes," she agrees, her voice barely a whisper. "Our secret." She looks around the room embarrassed, the reality of what they've done setting in. "I need to clean up," she says, walking unsteadily to the bathroom upstairs, picking up her clothes from the floor and covering herself with them. She can't believe she's just given her sister's husband a blowjob, but the thrill of it still lingers in her veins.

I watch her go, my own breath still heavy with lust. I take a moment to compose myself before pulling my undies and following her upstairs. I stop by the bathroom and without opening the door I say: "And if you need anything... anything at all, just let me know. I'm right here."

"Thank you," I hear Olya from inside the bathroom, her voice barely audible. "I... I think I'm just going to take a shower and go to bed."

I nod understandingly, knowing that the gravity of what we've done is starting to set in for her. "If you ever need to talk, or... anything," I add. "This changes nothing between us, it was the hottest, most incredible experience in my life! I hope you don't hate me... Sweet dreams, Olya."

She takes a deep, shaky breath, her hand on the doorknob to the bathroom, locking it. "Goodnight." she whispers back, her voice filled with a mix of guilt, confusion, and strange longing. She slips into the bathtub, turning the water on. The sound of the running faucet echoes in the quiet house, the cold water a stark contrast to the heat of their encounter. Her eyes are glazed, and she can't help but touch her lips, remembering the feel of my cock between them, my aftertaste still lingering in her mouth.

A few weeks later, Olya's husband managed to escape the conflict and finally joined her on American soil. They were so happy to be together again. Nobody ever found out what happened that night and we never talked about it again.

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