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Station Girl: The Investigation (fm:one-on-one, 4757 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: nerdboy
Added: Oct 14 2024Views / Reads: 697 / 416 [60%]Part vote: 9.60 (5 votes)
Kate uncovers Mike's infidelities. A Spinoff from Station Girl.

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"He's not around, Sir. We divorced, then he transferred off-station." To be with his new family, and his homewrecking slut of a new wife.

"I'm sorry to hear that, Ma'am, but it doesn't change my responsibilities. Normal wear and tear is one thing, but the repair bill for this one apartment in the last year is three times the next highest. We can't sustain that kind of spending on a single unit. I might have to recommend finding a non-family unit for you, and placing your son in a more controlled environment. Unless you can reimburse the company for the ongoing repair expenses."

A creche? He thought she would put her boy in a creche?

"But SIR! I'd never see him! He needs his mother! He'd ..."

"No longer be wreaking havoc on station infrastructure. Which is my priority."

"Please, Sir. I'll keep a better watch on him! I'll...I'll do whatever I have to. Just let me keep my boy..."

"Well, maybe a family placement would be better. Can his father provide a stable living environment?"

Send him to that BITCH to raise?!? She took a deep breath, exhaled as smoothly as she could as she held back the sobs. "Please, Sir, not that. He's off-station, I couldn't even afford vid-calls, much less visits..."

The manager looked across the table with a cold expression. "You have my sympathy, Ma'am, but that's outside my area of concern. I have some leeway in this sort of thing, but I don't see any valid reason to give you more slack than any other employee." He laid his hands on the table, ready to push himself up to leave and go about his day.

Anna hung her head, beaten. She reached across the table in supplication, to - he took her hand in his, gently lowered them to the table top. "Ma'am. Do you have any other solutions? Something I haven't considered? I would love to be able to help you." His large hand enclosed her small one almost completely, his other hand grasped her wrist gently. She started as his fingertip caressed her inner wrist, she stared up at him mixed dismay and hope.

"I-I might have a solution, Sir. If you'll consider it."

"Oh? Tell me more."

"I-I think it's best if I showed you, Sir." She pulled her hands back, stood, and started to unbutton her blouse.


Mike kept his face stern. Anna had her blouse open, she looked up at his eyes to see a softening expression. He glanced meaningfully at her chest. She shrugged out of the blouse, unsnapped her bra, and revealed her breasts to him. They were heavy, rounded, with large nipples dark against her pale white skin. Breasts that were perfect for a man's hands, for a man's lips, for ... he gave a slight smile at the thought of his cock nestled between them, but pushed it away. Ease into this...

She tentatively reached for her waistband, he spoke before she pushed it down. "I think I should inspect the damage in the living room more closely." She followed him as he went in and sat on the couch. He looked up at her breasts with a relaxed smile. "So, I'm listening."

Anna bit her lip and came to stand before him. He kept silent, he clearly wanted her to act on her own, not just follow direction. She dithered, saw a bit of impatience cross his face, and decided. She moved to kneel across his lap, facing him, then cupped her breasts and lifted them a little, clearly offering them to his mouth. He bent his head to take a nipple between his lips, cupping the other breast in his hand and playing with the nipple.

Anna tried to relax, to accept the arousal stirring deep inside her. She hadn't been with a man since the divorce, would he at least be a good lover? Would she want to ...?

Mike interrupted her thoughts when he pulled back and spoke. "You know, I think I need a different view of the situation. That floor isn't too hard to kneel on, is it?"

Anna kept control of her expression and didn't roll her eyes. Of COURSE that's what he wants. This time. She took the hint and knelt between Mike's legs, then undid his pants, pulled his cock out, and took him in her mouth.

Mike smiled down at the bobbing head of the desperate mother. "You're very good at that. You're getting your point across." Hell, this was the best head he had had since he was married! He felt his orgasm rise, his balls clenched, he groaned as he came in her mouth. "I find your argument most convincing. I'll have to come back next week to inspect the premises and discuss the matter further."

Anna put her head down, realized he wanted an answer, and swallowed. "Thank you, sir."

"Please, call me Mike."


The next visit he tested the bed with her.

"Nice to see you again, Anna. May I come in?"

Anna moved back from the door, Mike stepped through and looked down at her with a smile. She hesitantly met his eyes, then bit her lip. Mike finally broke the silence. "Let's get on with the inspection, shall we?"

Anna nodded slightly. "Yes, sir."

Mike stepped past her and gave a quick look around, then circled the living room and dining area, scanning the walls and fixtures. "Not too bad, I see there hasn't been any further damage in here. Let's move on." He gestured to the bedroom door, clearly wanting her to go in first.

No surprise there. Anna went ahead of him, moved to the foot of the bed and turned to face him. "Sir?"

He looked around, measuring the furniture with his eyes. He peered at the dresser, then went over to it and pulled each drawer in and out. "Huh. Moves fine, just a little worn. Do you want a replacement?"

"You don't have to..."

"Anna, if I'm to be a frequent guest here, I should do something to help out a little."

She hesitated. "Of course, Mike. Feel free to fix it at your convenience."

He smiled. "Glad to help out. So, have you been having any problems with the bed? Frame sturdy? Mattress OK?"

She realized she was blushing a little. "No problems, Mike. It's fine for me."

He stepped in, lifted her chin with a finger, gave her a gentle kiss. "Let's test it out to be sure."

She responded, opening her mouth, darting her tongue out to meet his, pressing her body against him as he wrapped his arms around her. His mouth was on her neck, his hands moving on her back, one sliding inside her shirt to touch her bare skin.

She was breathing heavily. It had been so long... she arched her back when he found the sensitive spot at the base of her throat, her breasts pressing hard into him. His hands were holding her tight by the hips, pulling her to him, his erection hard against her belly. She heard a low moan, realized it was her voice, reached up to take his head in her hands and pull his mouth to hers.

Mike felt her desperation, her need, he stepped back just enough to get his hands between them, undid her shirt, pushed her bra up to release her breasts.. her hands joined his, yanking her top off, opening the waist of her pants, shoving them down to step out of them, all while kissing him with a passion she hadn't felt in years.

The last of her clothing hit the floor, Mike urged her towards the bed. She stepped back until her legs found the bed, then lay back, opening her legs to the pressure of his hand. Mike toyed with her, one hand playing with her breasts while the other fondled her crotch. Her hips moved to meet him, she needed him... He suddenly pulled back, she barely had time to feel disappointment before he opened his pants, pulled out his erection, and brought it to press against her opening. "You ready?" Anna nodded frantically, then threw back her head as he slowly thrust into her.


Mike chuckled as he pulled out a little, then started as slow, smooth pumping. "What's that?"

"Ahhh...It's been...ohhhhh...so long! I...."

Mike chuckled again, then started pumping hard and fast. Anna's moans echoed through the room, louder as she got closer, closer.... she screamed her release, her head thrown back, her arms and legs tight around Mike. He slowed a little, smiling down on her, then pulled out.

"Roll over."

Anna stared up at him. He wasn't finished? Certainly not, by the look of his erection. She gathered herself to obey, moving to her hands and knees, waiting ... she moaned as he went into her again, her body welcoming him by rocking back to meet his thrusts. His hands were under her, playing with her breasts, caressing her, now gripping her hips as he thrust harder...

Mike smiled, almost laughing at the noises she made. She was so eager, so energetic, he never expected a mother to be so tight ... damn good thing he fucked Kate last night, he was lasting longer than he had in ages ... he reached up to grip both her shoulders and held her tight, fucking her hard, putting his full weight into it, finally he came with a groan and held her firmly to him as his semen pumped deep inside her. He rested on her as their breathing slowed then he pulled back to sit on his heels.

Anna rolled to lay on her side. He admired the view, then reached to run his hand down her thigh. "So, the bed seems to be in good condition. At least I didn't notice any problems. How about you?"

She turned her face to him, and nodded wearily. "No, Mike, it's working fine."

He smiled back at her. "Excellent." He got up and looked around, then picked up a washcloth and wiped off his cock. He pulled his pants up and adjusted them, checking his appearance in the mirror. "Well, I'm off, have to take care of some paperwork. Same time next week?"

Anna's face didn't reveal her disappointment. For a moment she had been thinking of him as a boyfriend, a lover ... "Same time next week. A little earlier is fine."

Mike nodded politely and stepped out of the room, she heard the apartment door cycle as he left.

Anna pulled the blanket over herself and slept better than she had in months, until the alarm told her it was time to fetch her son from preschool.


The phone rang a few minutes before she expected Mike to arrive.

"Hey. I'm running a little late. While you're waiting, how about you put on something nice for me? That blue top I saw in your top drawer, maybe?"

Anna's mouth opened in surprise. "I - OK, Michael. I usually wear something under it, what should I...?"

He chuckled. "Whatever you want, but I'd prefer nothing. See you soon."

Of course he would.

Anna checked her reflection in the mirror. The thin blue fabric hugged her breasts, her nipples clearly visible through it. She was a lot bigger in that area since she had last worn the top, she could never wear it in public now, with or without an undergarment.

She answered the door at the chime, Mike looked down at her with admiration. "Damn, that was a good choice. You look spectacular." He stepped in without asking, bent his head to kiss her as soon as the door closed behind him. His lips were on her neck, his hands already cupping her breasts, his thumbs teasing her nipples through the thin fabric. One hand left her breasts, opened his fly, took her hand and brought it to his erection.

He took her face in his hands, kissed her deeply, then put his hands on her shoulders and guided her down to her knees. She took him in her mouth obediently, he gasped with pleasure as she worked her tongue under the head, she started bobbing, he moaned, it started to swell...he gently pushed her away. "Just your hands now."

She looked up at him as she pumped his cock with her right hand, started to cover the tip with her left to catch his semen, he caught her wrist and pulled it away. His smile was almost a leer, his eyes brightened as his orgasm rose, he grunted as he came, his semen spurting on her face, her chest, making the fabric stick to her breasts as she slowed her pumping hand.

Mike was leaning back against the wall, breathing deeply. "That was fantastic. Ohh..."

Well, that was quick. Anna started to stand, he stopped her with his hand. "Suck a little more, get it all out."

Sighing, Anna bent to obey. Only a little came out, nothing compared to the mess on her face and tits. "That was very nice. Thank you." He gestured for her to rise, then leaned in and gently kissed her forehead. Anna stepped back, moving to let him reach the door.

He glanced to the door, then back to the blank expression on her face. "Are you asking me to go?"

She looked up in surprise, shook her head. "I thought you were done..."

He reached out and cupped her cheek. "Not even close." He took his hand away, looked at his palm, then unconsciously wiped his hand on her top.

Anna started to get annoyed, then decided he was just being practical, it already needed a wash, after all.

Mike looked her up and down. "I think it's time to test the fresher, make sure everything works. Then when you're nice and clean again..."

Anna gave a wry grin. "Test it, huh? I supposed you'll need to observe?"

"But of course. A good maintenance man is always thorough."


The water cascaded over Anna's body, rinsing the shampoo and soap away. She was sideways to him as he watched the water run off her breasts and down her curves, then turned under the water, making sure every inch was exposed to the spray - and, of course, to Michael's eyes. He had brought in a kitchen chair to watch and propped the fresher door open, then did something to the control box. "Maintenance mode, no charge for the water. You can take your time." His smug expression had made it clear that he wanted her to put on a show.

Her body rinsed, she turned to face him, cupping her breasts and holding them up. "Did you get enough of a look?"

He stood and moved towards her, pausing to shut off the water. "I've had a very good look. Let's get you dried off."

He took his time at that, toweling ever inch of her dry, firm but not rough with the towel, finally dropping the towel to the floor and moving to stand behind her. His hands were on her hips, then he brought them around to rest on her stomach. He bent his head to kiss the side of her neck, at her sigh he took a breast in one hand and lowered the other to her crotch, gently stroking along her slit.

Her breath caught as he found her clit, then again as he gently put a finger inside her. She leaned back against him as his hands explored her, losing herself in the sensations she had been so long without.

She was rocking her hips to meet his hand when he went still. "Feels like you're getting a little worked up. Shall we move to the bed?"

Anna took a breath. "Yes. Let's do that."

For the first time, Mike took all his clothes off. Anna looked up at him, waiting, then lay back. Mike stopped her with his hand. "You're on top. If you don't mind."

Anna smiled. So he wanted her to be in charge?

Mike lay in the middle of the bed, Anna climbed on, lined up, and eased down to engulf his cock.

It turned out he didn't want her in charge, he just wanted his hands free. He toyed with her breasts while she moved above him doing all the work, until he gripped her hips and pulled her down onto him. "That's not too deep, is it?" She quickly shook her head, Mike let her rise up a little, then held her firmly as he fucked her from below.

Each thrust rocked through her, bringing her a little higher. His eyes were on her chest, concentrating on the ripples and bounces as he screwed her harder, faster.... Anna threw back her head and screamed as she came, he took no notice, continuing his steady, hard pumping, it didn't take long for another orgasm to come, and another. She was limp, hunched over, held in place only by his strong hands as she approached a fourth, when he gave a final hard thrust and came inside her. He released her hips, she collapsed forward onto him gasping and dripping with sweat.

Mike rested under her, then turned his head to look at the clock. "Damn, I have to get out of here." Anna rolled off him onto her side, he gave her a tender kiss and got out of bed. He quickly dressed, then paused. "You have unlimited water for another hour, if you want to take advantage of it."

Anna looked up at him wearily. "OK. maybe I will."

The door cycled behind him as he left.


Mike stepped into the apartment, a tech following behind. Anna was sitting at the table, her head in her hands. She looked up, her eyes darting between the men. Did he want her to..?

Mike spoke first. "Ma'am, we're here about the vent system. Could you show us what's wrong?" His voice was warm, comforting, Anna took a breath in relief.

"Right through here. I don't know how he got it open..."

The vent screen was hanging by one screw, the other screws lined up neatly on the floor beneath it. Inside the vent was ... a bit of a mess. Several stuffed toys pushed up against the fan, completely blocking the air flow, and a metal ruler jammed into the fan blades. The tech started carefully removing the blockage as Mike watched.

"He heard me saying that that dust could come in through the vents, and didn't want dust in his room..." She knew she shouldn't be anxious, Mike would take care of it, but..

Mike hummed to himself as he picked up a screw, showed the end to the tech.

"Ma'am, this is our problem. These screws are not correct, some of the old construction didn't use tamper-resist heads where they were supposed to. The fan is undamaged, and this will only cost a little time. Bill will check all the other vents for proper screws and we will be on our way. No charge."

Anna looked up at him in relief, then spoke as soon as the tech left the room. "Do you want to stay a bit?"

Mike gave her an admiring look and one of his heart-melting smiles. "I can think of nothing I would rather do, but people will talk if I just disappear while I'm supposed to be supervising. Maybe I can come over tomorrow?"

She nodded. "That would be good."

A minute after they left, the chime sounded. Mike stepped in as soon as she opened the door.

"I told him I needed to use the fresher. How about a quick one?" He had his fly open, she obediently knelt and took him in her mouth.

"Oh, damn. Have I told you how good you are at that?" Mike slumped against the wall, gently guiding her head as she bobbed up and down. "Oh, God, don't stop!" He was holding her head still, keeping his cock fully inserted as it throbbed, as his orgasm took him and his semen jetted into her mouth. "Wow. That was great. Suck a little more."

Anna swallowed and did as he asked, then pulled back when her released her head. Mike looked down at her with a grin and fastened his pants. "See you tomorrow!"

Anna watched him leave, then sighed. At least she didn't have to clean anything up...


"So every week or so, Mike would come by to 'inspect', I would 'discuss the issue' with him, as he put it, and the repair bills were never an issue. After a couple of months, he was treating me like a girlfriend - little gifts, he called me 'Babe' or 'Honey', he brought a few presents for my son." A cloud crossed the manager's face, Anna hurried to continue. "He never met my boy, I think he just thought it would be a nice thing to do for me. It wasn't like he wanted a family or anything with me." The manager nodded her understanding.

"I don't know if he felt guilty or anything, but he started to ask nicely most times instead of just coming in and taking my clothes off. I-I enjoyed being with him. I had been so lonely, it was nice to be wanted, and ..." She paused, lost in thought. "I don't regret it. I know he was wrong, but it wasn't like he hurt me, and he never promised me anything he didn't deliver. And I knew it was a short-term thing. A manager might marry a divorced office worker, but not one with a kid in tow."

"For how long did this continue?"

"I guess about 6, 7 months. My boy got better at controlling his urge to take things apart, and his new preschool had a lot of building toys, and Mike just lost interest when, well, I didn't need his help, and the repairs stopped being needed, I guess."

The woman gave an understanding smile. "And now? How is your boy doing?"

Anna gave a genuine smile. "He has just started school. They say he's very clever, and he has only taken apart his own desk. "

She got a laugh. "Sounds like my little brother. A born technician, never happier than when he has a tool in his hand, and someone else's property in pieces."

Her face got serious. "In any case, your assistance has been most helpful. I cannot tell you anything about the rest of the investigation, but I can tell you that Michael is not going to be in the position to extort sexual favors from you ever again. And I'd like to apologize to you personally, if I had kept better track of him, he would never have gotten that far."

"I understand, Ma'am. but it's not your fault, no one can keep track of everything their employees do."

"Maybe so, but a woman should be able to keep track of their husband, and I didn't." She caught Anna's expression. "We have that in common, too. I want to make it clear that I bear you no ill will, you had no reason to think he was married. Best of luck to you, I will contact you if we need sworn testimony. It's unlikely, though, we have so many witnesses that you shouldn't have to repeat that under oath."

"How many, Ma'am? If you can tell me."

"Over a dozen. We think you were the first, if it matters to you."

Anna hesitated. "Are you doing OK yourself, Ma'am? I know how much it hurts to be cheated on."

The woman gave a small smile. "Please, call me Kate. It's been rough, but I have friends to help me get through it. I'll manage. How long did it take you to get over your ex, if you don't mind my asking?"

Anna looked down at her hands. "I was crushed for months, I could barely drag myself out of bed and take my son to preschool, much less work productively. I guess it was a year or so before I could forget about him for days at a time, and it took Michael to make me feel desirable and wanted again. I'm so sorry he cheated on you, I never wanted to be the other woman."

Kate reached across the table, took her hand. "You have nothing to be sorry for. He took advantage of your situation, I hope your current boyfriend is a better man."

Anna shook her head. "I don't have one, not since Mike. I haven't been pining away, I just ... my son needs my attention, and I've been doing OK."

"Just OK? You deserve better."

Anna shrugged. "Maybe so, do you see any handsome young men wearing a groove into the deck wandering around looking for divorced women?"

Kate laughed. "If I find two I'll send one your way."

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