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Honey Lust: Better Than My Ex (fm:interracial, 5162 words)

Author: Jana Cleveland Picture in profile
Added: Oct 16 2024Views / Reads: 943 / 756 [80%]Story vote: 10.00 (3 votes)
A soon-to-be-divorced woman wants to hook up with her divorce attorney

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business. I told him about my husband coming home late on most nights (including our anniversary night), smelling like someone else's perfume, not being at work for a few days, and not telling me where he goes especially after a work day.

We thought about hiring a private investigator, so we decided to work together and gather information involving both of our spouses without them knowing. We also agreed to meet once a week to check in on each other for our mental health; I had decided to call the private investigator since I got the business card from Lamar's father after visiting him last Father's Day.

Several days later, we took all the information we gathered, screenshots of text messages included, and went to the private investigator's office; letting them take it from there. We met up with the investigator after a few weeks and got the results: both my husband and his wife were having an affair! Not only that, there were three other things: 1) they were in Las Vegas, along with his friends (same city, different hotels), 2) there were male enhancement pills (one of them had a bottle with Mr. Tarver's name on it) in the hotel suite the two of them were staying in, and the biggest one of all 3) Katherine is pregnant!

We looked through all the evidence (photos, receipts, etc.) after the complete shock wore off from the confirmation that our spouses had been cheating on us. At this point, divorce was the only option for both of us while quitting my job was another option for me. After work that night, I typed up my updated resume while looking up divorce attorneys and doing assignments for my online classes on my laptop. I began running on full cylinders whenever I multitask, thriving on caffeine in many forms, at both work and home. I then decided to do a little project with the photographic evidence of their infidelity, using them as an announcement of my impending divorce.

But first, I had to meet with a divorce attorney, so I called the Law Offices of Ashton, Martin, & Associates using a business card given by the private investigator on my lunch break. I can't tell anybody about the divorce yet, I have to make all the moves as stealthy as possible. I wrote down an entire plan while feasting on a large grilled chicken cobb salad with extra avocado, hard-boiled eggs, bacon, and green goddess dressing on the side.

The following week, I got myself ready to meet with an attorney over at Ashton, Martin & Associates on Monday morning; I drove over to the law office two hours early, gathered all the evidence into a file, and walked into the office with confidence and assertiveness despite being nervous on the inside. For fashion, I wore a teal and gray outfit from my closet: a dress, jacket, heels, earrings, and handbag.

I was greeted by a wavy-haired woman, who's a receptionist, with round-framed eyeglasses as I sat in the reception area; we made small talk and she offered me a coffee. I gave her a short explanation of my situation and showed her my file. She advised me with the quote: "Don't get mad, get everything!" After hearing that quote, I was mad and intended to take everything from Lamar and Katharine until they had nothing left!

A few minutes later, I was approached by one of the attorneys, a tall, clean-cut, Asian man wearing a dark blue suit with black shoes and tie. I stood up and he greeted me with a firm handshake as we stepped into his office; he introduced himself as Kavin. I felt a bit of a heated rush in my body at the feel of his hand, his handshake was firm but his hand was smooth to the touch.

"My name is Kavin St. John. I'll be your attorney, representing you in your divorce case, " he said.

"I'm Dionna. Dionna Carter. I'm looking forward to getting my soon-to-be-ex husband out of my life and apartment." I replied.

I then gave him my file of my husband's infidelity with my employer from the private investigator and explained to him everything about my situation. I maintained eye contact with him while he listened to my marriage story from the beginning to now and also gave him the business card from the private investigator for confirmation. Kavin stepped out momentarily to call the private investigator on his smartphone. While waiting in his office, I thought about a little craft project I wanted to make. I then noticed his bookshelf full of law books, a picture of him and his parents at his law school graduation, and a tiger plushie with a graduation cap on top.

Kavin came back into the office several minutes later, and everything was confirmed. He then looked through everything in my file.

"After reviewing everything, you have a solid case for a divorce on the grounds of double infidelity. Would you like to add some conditions to the divorce papers?" He had asked me.

"I like to add that Lamar should get tested for both paternity and also STDs, especially since the other woman is pregnant. Plus, I want to sue both of them for alimony and compensation. I'm ready to sign my portion of the divorce papers and have them filed once he has signed his part." I replied.

Not only was I ready to move on with a fresh start, but I'm prepared for both a new career and a home for myself. All that and a new man to bring to my bed! While I listened to his advice, I secretly thought about Kavin with those hands, that honey-kissed skin, those almond-shaped eyes, and those full lips...I mean, he's hot but he's also my divorce attorney!

Several days later...

I had an idea of how to announce my impending divorce. I decided to use the photos of all the evidence, go to the photo lab at the pharmacy, and make them into sets of postcards. I wrote on the back of the individual postcards about each. I sent them to everyone, including Lamar's co-workers at the pharmacy, his mother (wrote "Good news: you're going to be a grandma, bad news: I'm not the one expecting!" on the back of hers), his mother's friends, his estranged dad, my in-law's families, my relatives, my co-workers at the realtor office, our couple friends, my boss's friends, and my parents (wrote "Leaving Lamar!" on their postcard). Then, I talked to the landlord about terminating my lease on the apartment, called my cousins to help pack all of my things, and had Lamar's things packed up so the landlord could give them to him when he returned from his trip. Next, I went to get a new outfit to wear for my divorce hearing and went on a real estate job hunt because I have no plans on staying at a job where my boss is a selfish, homewrecking bitch who's my husband's pregnant mistress. Finally, I found an extended-stay hotel as a temporary residence while looking for a starter home.

On the morning of my divorce mediation, I met with Kavin at the courthouse to discuss our strategy. Off-topic, I wanted to ensure I didn't overdo my hair or makeup and keep it polished like I'm going to my job. He calmed my nerves, but he also complimented my hair and outfit. I wanted to keep my look polished like I was going to work, I wore my medium-length hair into an elegant low bun and went with a dark gray cardigan sweater, a white button-down blouse, a gray pencil skirt, black pinstripe tie, and black heels (think: office siren meets preppy girl). I wore a pair of eyeglasses with black rectangular frames and though my face was moisturized and sunscreen, I kept my makeup simple with waterproof mascara and red lipstick.

Then, my soon-to-be-ex Lamar showed up with his lawyer, who's probably fresh out of law school and the mediation began once the court-appointed judge entered the room. Kavin suggested my conditions to Lamar and his lawyer; I confronted Lamar about his infidelity and the other woman, trying my best not to blame or criticize him for everything, and showed his lawyer and the mediator the evidence. Lamar, on the other hand, compared me to his sugar momma of a mistress in every shape and form; I damn near wanted to retaliate against him about his friends and his mother, but I had that calm restraint that helped me not show my anger. Once we took a break for recess, Kavin asked me how I felt about the mediation so far.

"To be honest, I felt a little anxious about the outcome and also wondering if he'll follow through with the divorce conditions," I responded.

Kavin understood my feelings and then said, "Legally speaking, you deserve a lot out of the husband and mistress and I'll see to it that you get this divorce granted as soon as possible. You also deserve someone much better than your soon-to-be-ex."

"I agree, I'm thinking about taking myself a little vacation once this is all over. Somewhere nice, relaxing, and maybe a little luxurious. I could use a break, especially from job hunting and studying courses." I replied.

Kavin was attentive, understanding, patient, and easy on the eyes as well. I agreed with him when he said that I deserved better; I do deserve better, I deserve way better than a cheater husband, a job without a selfish homewrecker of a boss, and a spacious home to call my own.

The mediation continued that day as we heard a screaming match outside the courtroom, we all got up to see what was happening and Mr. and Mrs. Tarver were having a confrontation. Mrs. Tarver's lawyer was trying to calm her down given her delicate condition and Mr. Tarver got upset because he had found out about the paternity test, it turns out that the babies (she's having twins, according to an ultrasound!) weren't his on the count he has azoospermia, which means no sperm and he couldn't come inside her.

Kavin then asked me, "Would you like your husband to take a DNA test?"

"Yes, you can add that to the list of conditions for the divorce. He also has till the end of the month to return the key to the apartment and get his belongings before they get sold or disposed of by the landlord." I replied. "When this is all over, I'm suing you for alimony and compensation." I said to my soon-to-be-former boss before returning to the courtroom.

On the third and final day of mediation, the results of both the DNA and paternity tests had arrived and it was confirmed that Lamar is the father! With that being said, my divorce from Lamar was both granted and finalized. His lawyer shook hands with Kavin and he gave Lamar the side eye and told him not to forget the legal fees on top of the alimony and compensation. Lamar was used to handling and delivering other people's prescriptions but then ended up taking someone else's medication along with someone else's wife. This whole experience with my marriage and divorce had me on some high-key daytime drama/daytime talk show shit that I never want to experience ever again!

However, the only upside to all this was Kavin, who made my divorce as easy as possible, worth the legal fees.

After my divorce, I finished my course, landed a job at an insurance agency after completing training, and received my insurance license while still studying at real estate school. Not only that, I finally became a homeowner with my own house, courtesy of the divorce settlement and compensation from both my ex-husband and ex-boss. I celebrated with a combined divorce/housewarming party once I got settled in, invited everybody I knew, received a lot of gifts along with a few experiences, and gave out thank-you notes with gift bags.

One day when I was at home, I picked up my mail from the mailbox. Among the usual mail, I found an express mail package, I tore it open, and there was a DVD in a clear case with "For Your Eyes Only" written on the label. I opened the case, put the disc in the DVD player, and pressed play.

I watched a ten-minute video of a man slowly taking off clothes in a dining room and stroking his cock, then I realized the man in the video was Kavin, the same Kavin who was my divorce attorney. I was surprised and at the same time aroused. Not gonna lie, it was very hot! I watched as Kavin unbuttoned a black silk shirt and took off the white pants. His upper body was lean yet fit in the right places and decorated with a couple of tattoos; he then positioned himself to where he sat on his knees, and that's when I noticed his long and thick cock. I continued to watch as he licked his fingers and started rubbing his cock with slow strokes. Watching him masturbate was like sex for my eyes. Next, he briefly stroked his cock with both hands before he placed one of his hands on the base and the other hand caressed his length. He laid his body down on the cream-colored carpet; he stroked until he finally came and drops of thick cum landed onto his abs. Once he was finished, he got up and turned off the camera. That was the hottest thing I had ever seen and as much as I wanted to watch it again I needed to take a break.

I then looked into the envelope and found a letter in a smaller envelope with my name on it; the envelope had a handwritten four-page letter. I took my time reading the letter which was a combination of sweet romance and hot, burning passion; the video made my pussy drip but the letter had my pussy soaking wet and also made my heart flutter. I decided to call Kavin's mobile number from the back of his business card and thank him for my gifts.

"I was thinking of you when I made the video and wrote the letter. Lately, I've been thinking about you a lot since we first met at my office." Kavin said to me.

"In what way were you thinking about me?" I asked him.

"Both romantically and sexually." He replied.

"Tell me." I responded.

"The lawyer in me got a justice boner from when the judge ruled in your favor, I wanted to take you out to dinner that night and then to my office or an empty meeting room afterwards for celebratory sex with dessert and champagne. During the mediation, I once imagined us having sex at the courtroom after the mediation where we can both be out of order. I wanted to express my desire for you, but I had to keep it professional given your situation." He said.

"Well, I was thinking about you too, Kavin. I agreed with you when you said that I deserved better. I use the phrase ‘I deserve better' as my three-word mantra and apply it to my life. I got a better job with a much better salary and boss and a better house than my apartment. Plus, talking and interacting with you, I feel I deserve someone better than my ex-husband." I replied.

He then asked me, "Have you made any vacation plans yet?"

"I'm deciding between the California Wine Country, the Southwest, Texas, and New Orleans. I haven't visited the nearest travel agency yet." I responded.

"I'm sure that anywhere you go would make for a great vacation. In the meantime while you're thinking it over, how about we have a romantic weekend together to celebrate your belated divorce? Dinner date, dessert, and romance." He had suggested.

"I like the sound of that!" I happily exclaimed.

"Great, I know a great place that has Thai food, have you tried it?" Kavin asked me.

"Never had Thai food before." I replied.

With my overnight bag packed, I got myself ready for the start of my romantic weekend with Kavin. He brought me to this restaurant downtown, and we got to know more of each other over delicious and flavorful Thai food. I learned that Kavin is Thai on his mom's side and English on his dad's side, plus his dad's a lawyer as well but he specializes in business law; I told him about my happily married parents who travel for work as truckers and my plans for having my own insurance/real estate agency in the future. We snuck in a few touch-under-the-table moments with one of his hands rubbing my thighs and one of my feet rubbing against his leg.

After our Thai dinner, we went to a hotel uptown, where we continued our romantic weekend getaway. I grabbed my overnight bag while Kavin got us checked into a hotel suite. I then said to Kavin, "I'll slip into something more comfortable while you get the dessert and champagne."

I changed into a black lace two-piece thong set with thigh high stockings as soon as I entered the suite; I checked my reflection in the mirror and said to myself, "You definitely should wear lace more often."

A few minutes later, Kavin returned to the hotel suite with a cake, a crate of strawberries, and a bottle of champagne. I sat in the dining room while Kavin got out two glasses and a plate from the kitchen. I watched as he poured the champagne into the two glasses and plated a slice of the cake with a few of the strawberries. He then joined me in the dining room with champagne and dessert and proposed a toast.

"I like to propose a toast to you, Dionna. Here's to your new life and fresh start." He said as he raised a glass to me.

"And to you, Kavin. For being the best attorney for handling my divorce and the best date night ever." I said, raising my glass to him.

We clinked our glasses in a toast and sipped our champagne; Kavin took a piece of the cake, which had vanilla frosting on the outside and marble on the inside, and fed it to me with his fork; I then took one of the bright, red strawberries from the plate, dipped it into the my glass of champagne, and fed it to him. We looked into each other's eyes as he cupped my face before kissing my lips, I softly licked my lips and returned his kiss with a deep and passionate one.

Kavin took my hand and led me to the bedroom. We had a passionate make-out session while our hands explored each other's bodies. I watched as Kavin took off his clothes, I looked at every inch of his naked, honey-kissed, inked body and my eyes were seduced.

"You're so sexy and smart." I said to him, "You are so gorgeous, Dionna." Kavin said to me in a sexy tone.

He joined me on the king-sized bed and I stroked his thick cock with my hand while he kissed my neck, which made me let out soft moans against his ear. I ran my hands up and down his back while he placed soft kisses. I love how he takes his time with his foreplay on me, kissing my neck down to the tops of my chest. We shared another passionate kiss while his hands reached around and unhooked the back of my bra, setting my breasts free. I laid on my back against the soft pillows as his tongue made soft licks to my nipples before kissing my breasts. I watched with ecstatic eagerness when Kavin kissed down to my navel, and his tongue made a light circle around it.

I lifted my hips as he took off my panties and my garter, I watched as he gave both my thighs and feet a relaxing massage. He proceeded to take off my stockings and planted soft kisses on both of my legs and thighs, especially my inner thighs. Kavin looked at me with bedroom eyes and his fingers interlocked with mine as he circled my clit with his tongue, my pussy was drenched and ready to be explored. My moans went soft to loud as he continued pleasuring my sugar walls with tongue and fingers, I was more than drenched between the legs, I was dripping wet with arousal.

We switched positions to where Kavin laid on his back when I began stroking his long, thick cock with my hand while I massaged his ball with my other hand. It was my turn to take my time pleasuring him, I delivered soft licks to his cock, ranging from short to long before taking him into my mouth. I continued to stroke him as I took him into my mouth, my ears purred at the sound of his moans, his throat was thick with desire, and his fingers played with my hair.

"Let me see those pretty eyes." He moaned.

I looked at him with desire-darkened eyes as I continued going down on him, he sighed with satisfaction and bit his lip for a brief moment. His cock was nice and erect just for me, I rubbed my hands all over his upper body and then asked if he had any condoms with him.

"I bought a box while I was out, I'll get them." He said as he got up from the bed and went into the living room to retrieve them.

He came back to the bedroom with the box in his hand and rejoined me on the bed; I watched in anticipation as he tore open the wrapper and protected his cock with the condom. I was patient but I couldn't wait to have him inside me. Once he was properly protected, I got on top of him into the cowgirl position and guided his condom-covered cock into my pussy. I rode him slowly and he held on to my hips, making it hotter by touching myself as I rode him. His cock felt so good inside of me, feeling every inch of him. I went from slow to fast and back to slow, I enjoyed the ride and him of course. I then asked him, "Does it feel good to you? Do you like it when I'm on top of you?"

"You feel so good to me, Dionna." He moaned as he kissed my lips.

Kavin then laid me on my back and kissed my neck before plunging his still erect, condom-covered cock into my pussy once more. He held both of my legs as he thrust while I squeezed his cock with my pussy and rubbed my clit. His cock felt more than good inside my pussy, hitting my g-spot with each thrust. He sighed and moaned in satisfaction as he looked into my eyes, I looked at him while he sexed me, and his almond-shaped eyes darkened with desire. I could feel my legs shaking as he continued with his thrusts.

We maneuvered into the spooning position, where we laid on our sides, and enjoyed a lot of cuddling and intimate contact while Kavin's cock stroked my pussy from behind; he reached around and stroked my skin, cupped my breasts, and fondled my clit, all while he kissed my neck and whispered in my ear.

"I can't wait to go another round with you." was one of the things he whispered into my ear.

Kavin then tasted my wet nectar from my pussy before we changed positions, switching from spooning to the lotus position, where we faced each other. We held each other's arms tight as he entered my wet pussy, we rocked back and forth together while I sat on his lap with my legs wrapped around his hips, we grinded slowly then he gradually went deeper with his thrusts. Our moans and groans filled the hotel suite, creating a symphony of desire.

We couldn't get enough of each other, I pulled him close to my body as we were near the climax. Kavin pulled himself out, took off the condom, and splashed his cum all over my lower belly, but he wasn't done. He kissed my inner thighs for it was my turn to come, multitasking using his fingers, tongue,and mouth on my pussy; I felt a wave after wave of pleasure and my legs shaking as I came with each orgasm. Finally, he made soft kisses and caresses all over my body for the aftercare. We basked in the afterglow together before having a post-coital cuddle.

A few moments later, Kavin kissed my lips and then said, "Let's take a bath together before we go for round two."

"You get no objection from me on that." I said to him with a smile.

Kavin and I got to enjoy our sexy, romance-filled weekend together. I'm happy with my newly single life, especially with a lover who's better than my ex!

You probably want to know what happened to my ex-husband and former boss...

Lamar and Katherine had a shotgun wedding at the courthouse, which no one had attended. My co-workers at my old job, who I still keep in touch with after getting my new job, had resigned in solidarity from the real estate office. The moms on both sides of their families got into a custody battle over who wants to be the guardians of the affair babies (She had given birth to twins, both of which are girls.) and both agreed to have shared custody while Lamar got demoted to stockroom at the pharmacy and Katherine had maternity leave, I have since went no contact with them after the divorce.


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