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CHEATING DOCTORS (fm:adultery, 2339 words) [4/6] show all parts

Author: Thomas B
Added: Dec 02 2024Views / Reads: 1049 / 691 [66%]Part vote: 10.00 (7 votes)
The two doctors get an apartment

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The apartment was perfect. Even in the most inclement weather we could walk to work, and the IV was among four or five other bars in the neighborhood.

It wasn't the beehive of sex you might think. Sometimes I got lucky; sometimes Marcy got lucky. Sometimes we got lucky at the same time.

I'd known Alicia since med school, but what I didn't know was that she was a noisy fuck. On those nights when she brought a guy back to the apartment, she seemed to be loud; very loud.

Our apartment had a living room with two bedrooms; one on each side. Each with its own bath.

Still, I could hear her. I was happy for her.

One night, I was preparing for an upcoming conference where I'd give a lecture. I didn't go out. About 10 PM Alicia came in. I was in my room with the door closed.

The next thing I know, I heard her bed squeaking, the headboard rattling and Alicia moaning. First, it was barely audible, but got louder, then louder. Loud enough to hear:

"Fuck me, Jack, keep fuck me. Oh yeah give me that big cock."

I finally got some sleep, but Alicia and this Jack guy woke me up in the morning with more of the same.

After a shower, I made coffee. To my surprise, Jack came into the kitchen just wearing his briefs. "Alicia, thought you might have made coffee."

"Help yourself." I showed him where the cream and sugar were, but my mouth was agape. This Jack was gorgeous. Remember she told me that her ex-husband Joe had a thing for twenty-year-old pussy? Well, it was apparent that Alicia had a thing for twenty-year-old cock. Good for her!!

Did he have a friend? I'd have to ask her later.

I made small talk with Jack. I didn't want him to leave; as I said he was gorgeous. Under my robe, I just had on panties; they were damp.

"So, you've met my roommate, Marcy." Alicia said, coming into the kitchen and pouring herself a cup of coffee. I noticed that on the corners of her lips, there was some dried white stuff. I didn't want to embarrass her. I didn't say anything, but as I said, good for her!!

Young Jack, did not have the same sense. I mean about embarrassing her. "Alicia, here, let me wipe that off your face." He took a damp paper towel and wiped the corners of her mouth.

"Ooops!!! Sorry." She was blushing. "Thank you."

"No, thank you," he smiled.

Alicia and Jack went back to bed. I had to leave; it was too noisy. I didn't come back until late Saturday night. Damn that boy could fuck.

Sunday night after Jack left, "Alicia, I just have to ask, where did you find him and does he have a friend?"

"I was giving a lecture to a bunch of pre-med students at the university and there he was; front row. He's actually twenty-one and Marcy, Friday night, he didn't know how to eat pussy; now he thinks it's the greatest thing in the world," she laughed.

"Like I said, does he have a friend?"

Yes, Jack did have a friend; his name was Ian. We met at the IV two weeks later and I was disappointed.

Alicia's Jack was good-looking; almost model good-looking. Ian was not. Short and chunky. Normally, I wouldn't give a guy like that a second

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