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THE LADY WAS A SPY (fm:one-on-one, 1862 words) [7/9] show all parts

Author: Thomas B
Added: Jan 08 2025Views / Reads: 600 / 380 [63%]Part vote: 9.75 (4 votes)
after the war, Mary Clayton takes a young lover

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Charleston had been devastated. Mary Clayton found that her family home on the waterfront was one of the few buildings still standing. The best thing that could be said for it was that it was inhabitable.

With the end of the war, the city slowly started to rebuild. It was a year of deprivation. Little food, little heat and for Mary, no men. Sometimes she was so busy helping where she could, she didn't think about men, but at other times, the thought of a man like General Milstead or General Shelton were not far from her mind.

She smiled at the thought. Smiled at what she had done for the Union cause to avenge her husband's death.

One day a civilian came to her door. A young man, seemingly well-dressed; not someone looking for food. Her maids and other household help fled at war's end. She answered the door herself. "May I help you?"

"Ma'am, I'm sure you don't remember me. I'm Caleb Reynolds. During the war, I was General Shelton's aide, Lieutenant Reynolds and drove you to his farmhouse numerous times."

Did Mary detect a slight smile on his face? She looked him up and down. Caleb was in his early twenties. He was a handsome enough fellow; a little scrawny, but everyone was since the war ended and food was scarce.

"Won't you come in? May I offer you coffee or what passes for coffee these days?"

"Yes, ma'am. Thank you, ma'am."

"Mr. Reynolds, what brings you to Charleston?"

"Mrs. Clayton, if I am completely honest, you ma'am?"


"Mrs. Clayton, I thought you were the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen. My heart skipped a beat every time I drove you to the general's farmhouse."

"I'm flattered."

"I didn't have anywhere to go when the war ended. It was me who arranged your transportation here. I thought, and excuse me for being so impertinent, I'd ask for the honor of courting you."

"Mr. Reynolds, like I said, I'm flattered . How old are you?"

"I'm twenty-one, ma'am."

"Don't you think I'm a little old for you?" She was ten years older.

"Ma'am. I may be young, but since I was eighteen, I've known all about women."

Mary Clayton tried not to laugh. What could this boy know? She thought.

"Umm Mrs. Clayton, while you were in the farmhouse with the General, I was ordered to wait in his carriage. I have to admit that I moved the carriage near his bedroom window."

"Are you saying that you could hear us?" Mary was blushing. She wondered if he peeked in the window.

"Everything, and Mrs. Clayton, if you'll let me."

"I should ask you to leave, but go ahead."

"I said I have experience with women. By that I mean, I was a soldier. I visited a lot of prostitutes. Ma'am, wherever there are a soldiers, there are harlots."

"I'm aware of that. Mr. Reynolds, if you think . . ."

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