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THE 70'S KEY PARTY (fm:group, 2300 words) [2/6] show all parts

Author: Thomas B
Added: Jan 26 2025Views / Reads: 1854 / 1507 [81%]Part vote: 9.81 (16 votes)
The first time switching partners

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Saturday could not come soon enough. Independently, they all went to the beauty parlor and went shopping: lingerie, condoms, lube. Saturday afternoon, long hot baths. They shaved their legs; each wondering who they were going to end up with.

Janelle Montoya, who was the hostess sat in her tub. "Hmmm, Jimmy Freely? Tall, a bit of a belly. Claudia always had a smile on her face, but that was a few years ago. Charlie Comstock? I swear at the pool, I thought I saw a good size bulge in his swimsuit. I think Viviana noticed too. As for Viviana's husband, Leo; that guy is so good looking. The first time I met him I had to make sure I wasn't drooling.

My Ed, whoever gets him, if he's on his game, which I have to admit, he hasn't been in a long time, will wonder why I ever let his tongue out of bed. Yeah, that was Ed when we were first married.

As is usual at these kinds of gatherings, the women gossiped about this and that in the kitchen, while the men hung out in the living room, watching a ballgame. Claudia was happy; the Yankees played this afternoon and won. Her Jimmy would be in a good mood. Maybe getting some strange pussy would even put him in a better mood.

At exactly eight o'clock, the guys were instructed to blindly pick a key and go find the car that started that car. They'd been instructed to park up the street, down the street, around the corner. The girls thought it would be even more exciting if no one knew who was with whom. Even Janelle's husband didn't park in their driveway.

The following Tuesday no one said anything. They were all suspiciously quiet as they played cards, but a week later: the women agreed to tell their story. "You can't leave anything out," Viviana laughed.

Claudia Freely went first:

Jimmy parked our car three or four houses up the street from Janelle's. When I got in Charlie Comstock was in the driver's seat. "Hello, Charlie." I kissed him; then I kissed him on the mouth. Then I kissed him with my tongue. Yes, we were making out like teenagers. He felt me up.

"Take me home, Charlie. You know where I live."

Inside, "Charlie, I'd offer you a drink, but we both know why we're here. The bedroom is this way."

This afternoon I'd changed the sheets and left all the lights on. "Make yourself comfortable. I want to change."

I'd bought a babydoll negligee. It was black which I thought looked good with my blonde hair. It was short. I couldn't sit down wearing it. I didn't plan on sitting down. The negligee came with matching panties; I didn't put them on. The other thing was I usually wore a soft pink lipstick. Tonight, I was wearing red; bright red. I think the other girls noticed.

Okay, okay. I hadn't sucked my Jimmy's cock in ages. As you know I offered everything, except the Yankees. I was advertising. I hoped it paid off.

When I came out of the bathroom, to my pleasant surprise Charlie was in bed. "Claudia, you look stunning." I turned like a model. It wasn't call that then, but I flashed him. He got a glimpse of my ass, and that golden triangle between my legs.

"Charlie, I can take it off, but to be honest, I'd like you to take it off for me." I got in bed.

"I'll be happy to help you," he laughed. While our lips met, he took the spaghetti straps on my babydolls off my shoulders. "My oh, my, Claudia if you don't mind me saying, those are those most beautiful tits I've ever seen."

"Thank you, Charlie. I was hoping you'd like them. Feel me up. Play with, what did you call them?" I giggled.

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