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THE 70'S KEY PARTY (fm:swingers, 2332 words) [4/6] show all parts

Author: Thomas B
Added: Jan 28 2025Views / Reads: 1454 / 1089 [75%]Part vote: 9.85 (13 votes)
Another wife tells of her adventures with someone else's husband

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It might bore you to hear the experiences of Janelle with Leo DiNuzzo and Viviana with Jimmy Freely. Besides, Janelle and Viviana were hesitant to go into detail about their night after they left the key party.

"Irene, I don't know what you did to Ed, but he's been insatiable ever since that night."

"Janelle, any time Ed needs a refresher course, let me know," Irene laughed.

"Irene, Ed and I insisted that we tell each other about the key party and all the details. He went on and on about how amazing you were."

Irene blushed.

"Then I said to him, Ed don't tell me, show me. He's been showing me three of four nights a week."

"You're a lucky girl, Janelle," Irene smiled at her.

"I have to tell you Charlie hasn't been the same since that night. Claudia, you're a miracle worker."

"Girls, in case you can't tell from the smile on Irene's face, her Charlie has a huge cock that made me bark like a dog, Woof-woof. Irene have you been barking?"

She blushed. "All the time."

The other women reported that there men responded in the same way to the key party, but Viviana asked, "how long do you think it will last?"

"I don't know, but I'm going to enjoy every inch of Ed's cock and every moment of his tongue," Janelle smiled.

"Same with me."

"Me, too."

It was six months later at their usual card game on a Tuesday afternoon. "Anyone, else starting to feel like their marriage is getting back into that same old-same old?"

"It has for me."

"Leo stopped being interest once football season started."

Irene said, "do you think we need another key party? Maybe some strange pussy would get the boys going again."

"Maybe, but I'll admit, I could go for some strange cock. My pussy's been aching for weeks for something; anything."

"It might be fun, but as much fun as we had last time, why don't we make sure that we don't do the same guys again. Let's make sure the guys get really strange pussy again."

"Janelle, just so you know, I'd do Ed again, any time," Irene smiled.

"Irene, he still talks about you in glowing terms, but he stopped a month ago showing me."

Claudia said, "If we have a key party, it's possible we'll end up with the same guys. Don't get me wrong; I wouldn't mind doing Charlie's big cock again, Irene."

"Me, too. He hasn't looked at me in over a month."

Viviana came up with the idea that they all agreed upon. They'd draw names out of hat. If they came up with the same guy, they'd throw the name back.

Each guy received a written invitation to one of the women's homes 7 pm, a week from Saturday.

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This is part 4 of a total of 6 parts.
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