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THE CASTING COUCH (fm:seduction, 1051 words) [7/7] show all parts

Author: Thomas B
Added: Jan 31 2025Views / Reads: 806 / 422 [52%]Part vote: 9.50 (4 votes)
The perpetrators who Beaver trapped confess

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Special Agent Green relayed the story of the con Suarez and Foreman had going.

Renaldo Suarez was the first to break when confronted with the evidence. Later, Haley Foreman corroborated his story.

"We'd place an ad in a large metropolitan newspaper for child actors. Any parent interested needed to send us the kid's portfolio.

"Once we had perhaps a hundred portfolios, we'd rent two hotel rooms in the city, and start calling parents. "Mrs. Jones, your little Susie has made the first cut for our nation-wide production. The next step is an interview at the Bayside Hotel and Conference Center. It costs $100 for a thorough review and the first interview is with just the parents." They never even met any of the kids.

"No portfolio was rejected. Invariably, it was just the moms who showed up. I can't remember a dad ever showing up or a mom and a dad. Haley and I discovered that these stage moms would do anything, and I do mean anything to get their kid into the acting business.

"The hotel rooms were set up to look like we had an actual theatre production: posters, signs, playbills, the whole works. I'd work one room; Haley the other.

"We'd review the portfolio with the mom, praising their kid's good looks or experience, whatever. What I was looking for was a woman who might do anything for and to me. And at the same time, I knew the type of woman that Haley was interested in. I subtly hinted; very subtly.

"Haley was doing the same thing with the moms she interviewed.

"The interview ended with, "Mrs. Jones, next week we'll conduct a second round of interviews. I'd say little Susie has a good chance of making the cut. Thank you for coming in. Susie is adorable and you say she sings, too? I can't wait to hear her.

"The next line was crucial for the mom: "Mr. Suarez, I'd do anything to insure that you select Susie."

"If I thought that I'd like to fuck the mom, a few days later I'd call her. "Mrs. Jones, we need a little more information. If you could come to the Bayside Tuesday, perhaps eleven am?" The rest was easy. Moms would get on their backs or their knees for the chance to help little Susie get into theatre.

"I had only one criteria: was mom willing to fuck or blow me. Rarely was I turned down. There was no coercion necessary. These moms came dressed for what I had in mind on their minds, and willingly took off their clothes. "Mr. Suarez, perhaps I can persuade you to give Susie's portfolio a closer look."

"Then they'd get on their knees or their backs.

"It was similar for Haley. "Mrs. Jones, Mr. Suarez was impressed with Susie's portfolio. I'd like you to come in so I can have a chance to meet you and confirm Renaldo's first impressions."

"You would not believe the number of straight moms who allowed Haley to eat them in exchange for Susie getting a break in show business. Haley is such a good pussy eater that she had those straight moms begging to change places.

"Ms. Foreman, I've never done anything like this before, but if it will help Susie." Then mom would get on her knees. Haley guided them until she had two or three orgasms.

"Special Agent Green, you've seen the videos of Renaldo," Haley told me during her confession, "you know that what Renaldo has is unusual. More than one woman in whatever city we were in, insisted that he ‘interview' her a second, even a third time.

"There was a woman in Fresno who told Renaldo she'd leave her husband and work for us as a go 'fer, if he'd let her blow him every day. Of course, Renaldo turned her down. "How about twice a day?" Getting

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