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Going Back To School Has Its Rewards (fm:slut wife, 2949 words)

Author: oppy-n-rose Picture in profile
Added: Feb 21 2025Views / Reads: 844 / 733 [87%]Story vote: 9.62 (8 votes)
I get the opportunity to go back to college to earn my degree and never expected to have the fun that I had...

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About a year or so ago, my manager approached me and made a proposal to see if I was interested in furthering my career. I work in a school as a teacher's aide, but my goal was to one day have my own classroom. I didn't have all the degrees that I needed, which is why I was stuck being an aide. That all changed when my manager approached me and said that he wanted to talk. We went down to his office, and he told me that the following school year, one of the teachers would be leaving and that a position would be open. He asked me if I would be interested in the position, and I told him that I was, but didn't have all the degrees that I needed. We discussed it and went back and forth on it for a bit, before he offered me a solution. He mentioned that in the past, the board of Ed had sent teachers, back to school to earn their degrees and had offered financial help in paying for the classes. We talked about it, and he said that if I were willing to attend night classes, then the board of Ed would help me pay for them. I would have to do whatever it took to earn my degree, and if I did, the position in the classroom would be mine, and I would ultimately achieve what I had dreamed of doing. I was a bit excited, but at the same time, I knew it would be very difficult for me and my family.

Life was already hectic, being married and having a special needs son. I worked till four every day and then went home to be a wife and mother. Having an autistic and epileptic child required a lot of time and energy. Adding night classes into the mix wouldn't be easy, but thankfully my husband was on board with the idea, and he was always helpful. I did some research and signed up for the classes that I would need, and it would require me to go three nights a week. It wasn't completely terrible, but raised the stress levels a bit.

I started the classes the following semester and noticed that I immediately made quite a few friends. In particular, the younger horny college guys. I had no idea why they were so interested in me, because after having my child, I had put on some weight, and not to mention that I was 39 years old. I mentioned it to my husband one day and he told me to enjoy the attention because I wasn't getting any younger. I thought about it and said what the heck, maybe a few college guys hitting on me wasn't such a bad thing.

The time went by, and the classes weren't easy, but I was getting through it. I also spent a lot of time helping some of my classmates because they were a lot younger and being that I already worked in a school, I was able to help them with some of their work that they didn't understand. They were all very friendly, especially Tommy, who was one of the more popular guys in the class, because he also played on the football team. All the girls seemed to adore him, which made it weird that he would throw so much attention my way. I couldn't understand why he always wanted to chat with me and even flirted with me from time to time, when there were all these young ladies throwing themselves at him.

Either way, I took my husband's advice and enjoyed the attention. Especially since I wasn't getting much attention at home these days. My husband and I were always busy with life, jobs, our son, and things at home so we rarely got any time to ourselves.

As the semester went by, I found myself spending a lot of time in the library, helping Tommy with his work. He either didn't really understand the work or just wanted to hang out with me.

As the days went by, we got friendlier with each other and one day while we were working on a project, he invited me to watch one of his games. I wasn't a huge football fan but decided to give it a try. After all, I was attending the school, I might as well support the team.

The following Saturday afternoon was spent at the school Stadium, watching the team play, and as I watched the game, I understood why all the girls were crazy about Tommy. He was a natural out on the field and had a heck of a game. He was a wide receiver and could catch just about anything that was thrown his way. He scored three touchdowns that day and the opponents could barely stop him. I enjoyed watching and cheering the team on and ended up attending several more games throughout the season. At the same time, Tommy and I continued to spend lots of time together at school, working on projects, homework and whatever else was handed out by the professors.

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Email: Greenside80@yahoo.com
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