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Bimbofication - A Self-Experiment (fm:threesomes, 1972 words) [10/11] show all parts

Author: MarylinCane
Added: Mar 18 2025Views / Reads: 696 / 367 [53%]Part vote: 9.33 (3 votes)
Sarah gets in contact with Kevin and Tatjana and they start an exciting evening...

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through her head as Tatjana also pushed her tongue forward to probe between Sarah's lips for hers. She felt Tatjana's hand caressing her cheek as their lips and tongues caressed each other tenderly.

Surely this kiss had lasted only a few seconds, Sarah, however, it seemed like half an eternity, so intense was the feeling to kiss this strange woman in front of her partner, a partner who had approached Sarah because his wife was keen on her, Sarah would have to get used to the fact that not only men go for her, but that she seemed to go down extremely well with open-minded and tolerant women in particular. Slowly but surely, she began to like the situation.

"How about the two of us going shopping together in high boots sometime? I'm sure you know a few cool stores that I don't know yet, and even so, I'm sure you have one or two styling tips for me, you really look like a real professional model."

Tatjana increasingly flattered Sarah, Sarah liked how much Tatjana admired her, and especially how much she downright loved her looks, and thought she was the total expert when it came to styling and outfits. No other topic seemed to be important here, but Sarah was also glad about that, because she didn't feel like serious and profound topics at all today.

"We can do that sometime, it's sure to be hot with the two of us stumbling around town in short skirts and high boots."

"And maybe kiss us once in a while? People will make eyes, that kiss just now was really hot."

"I thought so too, kiss me again so horny."

Now Sarah leaned over to Tatjana, her hand wandered over her back, Tatjana's hand also stroked over her shoulder, their lips met, they pressed them together, pushed their tongues deep into each other's throats, played with the tips of their tongues, this kiss now really lasted much longer than a few seconds, Sarah could hardly get enough of making out with this hot woman, this woman she admired so much. Sarah took Tatjana's hand, lead it to her breast, gently Tatjana stroked it at first, until she grabbed a little tighter. Surprised, she lifted her head from Sarah's lips.

"Are you not wearing a bra at all? And yet your breast is so extremely firm? I didn't feel any silicone either, is this all real? That's awesome!"

Now Sarah became a little embarrassed with pride. "Yes, all real, I've always been very proud of them too, yours are pretty though."

"But much smaller than yours and completely unsupported they wouldn't look as awesome. Can I touch them again?"

"I'd love to, just reach in and grab her nipples if you like." Sarah pulled the neckline down a little so that the areolas of her nipples were visible.

"Um, do you actually know that Sarah wants to blow me?" interjected Kevin.

"Please? What makes you think that? You only spoke to each other briefly."

"That was the first thing she said, I was surprised too, but what man doesn't like to hear that."

"Do you really want to blow him?" turned Tatjana to Sarah.

"Well, I always like to get to the point quickly, what use is it to me when I'm horny to talk all evening with nem guys, who then goes home again obediently? That's a wasted labor of love!"

Tatjana laughed. "I can really learn something from you. I think I would never dare to do that."

"How about we just practice this with you on our shopping trip in boots, we go to a bar, grab a guy and offer to give him a blowjob."

Now Tatjana blushed, looked at Kevin, who just grinned back, shaking his head.

"I had thought we were going shopping, not fucking."

"Oh, ok, surely you don't do that kind of thing separately, do you?"

"That's something we'll have to think about first, but together we've done a lot of things and started a lot of things."

"And today you want to start something with me?"

"Actually, Tatjana was in the mood for a woman again, and I'm accompanying her so she won't be surrounded by men all evening, after all, we've already met a very sexy lady."

"Like who?" asked Sarah uncertainly.

"Well you, do you feel like making out a little more in the back?"

Tatjana looked at Sarah expectantly.

"Sure, why not, cool idea."

"But of course we can take care of Kevin's cock a little bit." Tatjana offered.

Tatjana lit a long, thin cigarette, Sarah also smoked another one.

"Kevin already has a horny cock, I'm really proud to have a man with such a horny spanking, I'd be curious to see how you like it too." Tatjana grinned first at Kevin, then at Sarah.

"Do you mind if I sit with him?" Tatjana nodded in agreement, Sarah walked around the small, round table, sat down on the couch with Kevin, immediately putting her hand on the bulge in his pants. "Feels very promising."

Sarah gripped the bump as best she could, slowly moving her hand up and down, Kevin leaned back relaxed, looking at Tatjana, whose hand had already disappeared between her legs, her skirt slipping up so high that Sarah's suspicion was confirmed that she was wearing hold-up stockings. Something flashed between her legs, which Sarah noted in amazement.

"Are you pierced on the cunt?" Sarah didn't even notice by now that she automatically chose vulgar language even towards her still very fresh acquaintance, but the two of them didn't seem to mind. Tatjana lifted her skirt a little higher so that Sarah could see the piercing in her clit perfectly.

"Wow, that looks awesome, I'd like to touch that in a minute too." Sarah jerked harder on Kevin's cock, just about to start freeing it from his pants when the waiter came to the table and asked them to move intimacies to the back of the bar, where it was appropriately designated. In doing so, he expressed himself so politely and woodenly that all three began to laugh.

The three quickly finished their drinks, extinguished their cigarettes, stood up, Tatjana and Sarah took Kevin in the middle, followed by the curious looks of many other guests they went to the back of the bar. Sarah had never seen such a kind of bar before, the further they got to the back, the darker the light became, the more intimate the guests became, soon she saw the first bare breasts, however she did not find it repulsive in any way, quite the opposite, she had the feeling, that something like this was exactly what she liked, what she enjoyed, what excited her, she reached into her neckline, pulled the stretch material of her dress down so that her tits were also exposed, her tits, of which she was so incredibly proud and which came across so horny to others.

A man came up to her, as if spellbound he stared at her breasts, he stopped in front of her, no look met her face, completely unconcerned he only looked at her two tight parts, still Kevin had her in his arms, yet the three also stopped.

"What are you waiting for? You want to pick them off, am I right?" Sarah went at him offensively. Without another second's hesitation, he grabbed hard and clumsily, kneading her tits, playing with her nipples, while Sarah snuggled close to Kevin.

"I think he'd like to squirt on that." Tatjana giggled. "I can totally relate to that. I'd lick it clean right now."

Kevin was surprised how offensively Tatjana dealt with all these topics today, of course she had never been uptight and yet Sarah seemed to tickle hidden desires out of her.

"Now I'm even hornier than before." Sarah turned to Kevin. With a gesture of her hand, Sarah signified to the guy that he had had enough, reluctantly letting go of her, he trolled on, not without turning back to the three of them once more and grabbing his crotch.

"Do we stay in the room or do we take a separee?" Sarah was amazed that there were even small alcoves here that could be partitioned off with a curtain, but Kevin didn't even wait for the answer to his question, but headed for one of these cozy corners with the two in his arms.

"Shall we close the curtain?"

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