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Fifty and Feeling It (fm:oral sex, 2337 words)

Author: Chrissie Bentley Picture in profile
Added: Mar 18 2025Views / Reads: 1088 / 709 [65%]Story vote: 9.73 (15 votes)
An older woman, a younger man. And yes, she is fifty. But this is a story about feeling it, through his shorts in a bar. And later that evening, sucking it as well.

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I turned 50 last year. It's okay, I know it's just a number, and I'm still the same size I was in my twenties... well, more or less. I'm a lot more settled as well, and if that means I've been sucking on much the same cock for more years than even seem possible, that's the price you pay. Besides, I've had my moments elsewhere, and though there's certainly not been as many of them as I used to have - again, I'm 50. Microskirts, bra-less breasts and heels the height of a hill were packed away a long time ago.

No, the worst thing about getting older is, most of the time you're not even aware of it. Inside, you still feel the same as you used to, and it's only when you're actually confronted with reality... a friend asking if you've yet received that first mailing from AARP, or your GP telling you "at your age, you should start..." what? Drooling? Forgetting your name? Eating strained vegetables?... only then do you think, "wow, half a century. I wonder where it went?

The guy in the drugstore carded me the other day. At first, I felt fairly flattered. Until he said "you look a lot younger than your photograph."

I mean, how do you even respond to something like that? I dunno. I nodded, I think, and probably glared, paid for my cigarettes and then out of there. But five minutes later, sitting in the coffee shop a few doors down, I'd completely forgotten him until, halfway through a not-bad latte, I sensed someone hovering by my table.

I looked up. It was the guy from the drugstore. Although I say "guy," but I doubt he was more than early 20s, and looking very sheepish, too. "I just wanted to... what I said in the store., It didn't come out quite as I intended."

I gave him what hopefully passed as a smile. He was still wearing his name tag - "Hi, I'm Peter." "That's okay. It's the thought that counts." He looked around. "Do you mind if I sit with you? This place is always packed at lunchtime."

I nodded; waited a moment and thought I might as well have some fun with this. "So how was it meant to come out?"

"I'm not sure. It was supposed to be a compliment, but I don't think I thought it through properly."

"Don't worry, I'm sure I've heard worse things. Somewhere." And then, "so how old are you?"


"Well, you look younger than that, so now we're even."

We chatted for a while, then he announced he'd better be getting back to the store. But I did I want to step outside and have a cigarette with him first? I said yes because... well, because I didn't want to say no, and it was only after we'd finished and I said I'd probably see him around that he asked if I would go for a drink with him that evening.

Which, I suppose, I should admit I'd been hoping he might, but I looked surprised anyway and we set up a place and time, even as I resolved to neither change my outfit or freshen up my make-up in the meantime. A resolution, I should add, that I almost adhered to. I did exchange jeans for a skirt, though, and maybe fixed my face once I'd taken a shower. Nothing I'd not have done before going anywhere for the evening, and we'll leave it at that.

Peter was already seated in a corner of the bar when I arrived, and hurried to bring me a drink. The place was fairly busy... the after-work crowd, I guess... so, while we were alone at our table, someone had already taken the chairs some place else, leaving us both on the bench with our backs to the wall.

Again, though, we just chatted and, if I noticed how he'd occasionally shift in his seat, with his knee not quite pressing against my leg, I didn't say anything. What I did do, however, was lean in a little myself and whisper, "you may want to put your jacket on your lap." He'd changed as well, out of store-clothes into a T-shirt and shorts,

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Email: chrissiebentley@yahoo.com
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LUST4LIFE writes Tue 18 Mar 2025 14:57:

Missed you. Welcome back. And.....belated happy birthday!


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