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Working Out Some Stress (fm:slut wife, 2950 words)

Author: oppy-n-rose Picture in profile
Added: Mar 18 2025Views / Reads: 2111 / 1715 [81%]Story vote: 9.76 (21 votes)
A friend of my husband goes through some marriage issues, and I comfort him...

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Several months ago, as my husband and I were having a couple of drinks in the basement he bought up some news about a friend of ours, whom he suspected of having marital problems. He told me that his buddy Mike had reached out to him, to inform him that he had filed for divorce from his wife Melissa. I was completely shocked and floored, not wanting to believe what I was hearing. My husband already had his suspicions, as he had noticed mike posting weird cryptic messages on social media. He said that Mike had caught his wife cheating on him and it wasn't the first time. They tried to work through it, but it wasn't happening. I asked how Mike was doing and my husband told me that he was in real bad shape.

We discussed it for a bit, and my husband said that he had been talking to Mike a lot lately and trying to help him through everything. They had three kids, so it was difficult for Mike to not be around them. I knew that he loved his kids with all that he had, and it had to be killing him that they were no longer together.

As we talked about it, my husband told me that I would probably be hearing from Mike as well, because he was looking for support and needed to talk to others. My husband had given Mike my phone number and told him to reach out to me because I was home during the summer.

About a week later, as I was puttering around the house, my phone went off and I went to check who it was. Sure enough, I had a message from Mike, asking if I would mind chatting for a bit. I told him it wasn't an issue and within a few seconds, he called me. We ended up chatting for close to an hour, and I could tell how hurt he was, by the sound of his voice and the things that he was saying. He was truly heartbroken, and I just wanted to reach through the phone and hug him.

After hanging up the phone, I felt very sad for him. Mike and I had known each other for the better part of 20 years, and always had a thing for one another. Back in the day when my husband and I were dating, especially in the beginning of our relationship, I was young and horny, and I knew that Mike wanted to fuck me. The feeling was mutual, and if he had tried, we would have fucked each other silly. Instead, he met Melissa and the two of them began a relationship. They eventually got married and started a family. They were together just about as long as we were which is why my heart was broken for Mike. It was such a shame to see their marriage go to shit, after all this time.

Mike and I continued to chat on almost a daily basis, with me consoling and most of the time while also giving him advice. It wasn't easy, especially hearing him cry over the phone, but I was doing my best.

About a month or so after this began, we were talking one day, and he mentioned that he needed to get back into the gym. He was a workout freak but hadn't done so since the breakup. I agreed with him, telling him that working out would probably relieve a lot of stress for him. We went back and forth on the subject, and I mentioned that I also needed to start working out because I had stopped a while ago and could lose a few pounds. We talked for a bit longer, before saying our goodbyes.

That night, as my husband and I sat and chatted, I mentioned my conversation with Mike. I told him what we had talked about and as I did, he mentioned that I should ask Mike to work me out. I asked what he meant, and he told me that Mike needed to get out of the house, and since I wanted to get back in shape, the two of us should get together and work out. It would be good for him, and at the same time would be good for me as I could start taking care of myself again. I thought it over and realized that my husband had a point. Working out with him would be perfect, because he knew what he was doing, and I would have a familiar face helping me, as opposed to some stranger at the gym.

The following morning when Mike and I spoke, I mentioned my idea to him, and he loved it. He said that he wouldn't mind working out with me, as at least he would have someone to talk to. We set everything up, and he told me where to meet him the following day. The gym that we would be working out at, was owned by a friend of his so it wouldn't cost me a dime, and we could work out whenever we wanted since Mike had a spare key to the place. I was excited, as I looked forward to getting back in shape, and also hoped to get Mike over this hump.

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