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Deep In The Heart Of Texas (fm:first time, 3473 words)

Author: D.T.Mann
Added: Mar 20 2025Views / Reads: 951 / 688 [72%]Story vote: 9.90 (10 votes)
My first story here! M-F, some voyeurism, first time. Long build but part of a multipart story I've been working on for some time. Rebuilding his life in a new home, Mike is surprised by an unexpected houseguest from his past.

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The sun broke over the ranch as Mike and Kristen came in from their usual run around the property. Mike hated these morning runs, but Kristen had made him promise to go with her every day to help him stay healthy. His legs were starting to hurt less and less after each run, a testimony to the daily regimen but he didn't think he'd ever get used to getting up so early.

Kristen grabbed a protein shake from the fridge as she came down from her endorphin high. She was proud of how Mike had stuck it out with her idea, even if she simultaneously hated how much better his stamina was than hers. Turns out living nearly his entire life at a high altitude before moving down to sea level had left Mike not nearly as out of shape as he had thought, and she had never considered he'd be able to keep up with her.

"I'm going to run and hit the shower," Kristen chimed. "I've got some clients coming in today for lessons in a couple hours so don't be surprised if there's a couple extra cars.". With that, she was back out the door and walking off to her place down the drive. Mike watched her long legs and perfect ass for a time before heading to his own shower to clean off.

It had been 8 months since he bought this property and it still didn't feel like home yet. Granted, in the three years since Michelle died nowhere had really felt like home. Their bed of 10 years felt alien and the house they had built together felt empty. So after the lawsuit was settled from her death, insurance was paid out, and a whole lot of prodding from Michelle's half-sister Kristen, Mike had sold everything and bought a ranch down by her in Texas. Kristen had always wanted to be able to teach riding and Mike didn't have any better ideas, so with money no longer a problem it seemed like as good a plan as any.

Michelle's parents had split when she was young; her dad had moved to Texas, remarried, and had another daughter, Kristen. Mike had always liked how Kristen seemed to have all the same fun qualities as her half-sister, but at the same time was different with a completely different upbringing and background.

The fact that she was tall, fit, and hot was a nice bonus, too. And while things never seemed to go past the gentle teasing that in-laws might give, Mike couldn't shake the idea she might be a little into him.

Mike went down the hall to the master suite, and started stripping down to shower off. He'd never been one to exercise much before and while his altitude advantage help keep him from absolutely dying on these runs, he worried he'd never get used to this Texas humidity and heat. Getting to shower off was probably the best part of the whole ordeal.

Well, second best after falling behind Kristen occasionally and getting to watch her run.

With that mental image firmly in mind, he started stroking his cock while standing under the hot water. "A decent way to wind down after a workout," he figured.

A startled "eep" snapped him to attention as someone quickly sucked back out of the bathroom and closed his bedroom door in a hurry.

"Damn riding students," Mike muttered.

Kristen's guest House was down the drive next to the stables and it had happened a couple times before when a student or family had come up to his door (or even just walked in) instead of continuing down to the horses like they were supposed to. The students were all either rich housewives who wanted to learn like they always wanted to as a kid, or men who wanted to learn so they could act like they always knew how (usually to impress those same rich women). Not everyone in Texas was a cowboy, even if they wanted to pretend.

Drying off and throwing on some clothes quickly, Mike went back down the hall to the kitchen to find whoever it was looking through his fridge and popping open a beer.

Money or not, whoever this student thought they were was ridiculous.

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