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Rob's Revenge part 2 (fm:adultery, 4028 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: pluto
Added: Mar 21 2025Views / Reads: 1273 / 981 [77%]Part vote: 9.64 (14 votes)
Rob caught his wife having sex and secretly video'd it and then exacted the ultimate revenge for her betrayal

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Rob's revenge Part 2

Make sure you have read part one before you read this A minute later Jessica found him with Brandon trailing behind her. "Oh darling there you are" she said "Where have you been I have been looking for you". Before Rob could answer she said "I was just chatting to Brandon and he was saying that when Monica is better the four of us should do dinner together."

Rob thought "Her deception is so convincing and good, I would never have known. I wonder how long and how many times she has glibly lied to me in the past? Who is this woman?" In the back of his mind he was already plotting how he was going to get out of this marriage with as much of his wealth, ego and sense of self intact. He knew now was not the time to show his cards. He needed to think without this turmoil of emotions he was feeling. He would get all his ducks in a row and then execute an ambush and take down.

Rob couldn't think what he should say so he just replied "Sounds good". He then suggested it was time to go and he would call an Uber unless Jessica wanted to stay longer and come home later. Jessica said no she was ready to go home too. If there was a chance of drinking alcohol at a party Rob never took his own car just in case.

Rob was calmly silent on the way home and Jessica said "You OK?" "Yes" he said "just a bit nostalgic, another year gone and not much to show for it"

She seemed to accept that and when he got into bed she was relieved that Rob did not make a move on her sexually which he normally would have done before they went to sleep. She had already thought up a plausible excuse.

Rob slept fitfully and awoke early. He went to his computer and transferred the video clip to his hard drive and uploaded a copy to the cloud. He watched the part that he had missed when he left the room. When Brandon had pulled out, the video showed Jessica's pussy for a few seconds oozing white semen. He froze it imagining how he was going to edit this video for maximum effect. He was good at video editing and would zoom in and out and make a smooth production of it, which would leave little to the imagination and clearly show what had transpired. He left a note next to his sleeping wife's bed saying he had been called out for a surgical emergency and drove to the beach to think! He called his financial advisor John who was also a long-standing friend from school days and told him Jessica was having an affair and he wanted to divorce her and give her as little as possible. He impressed on him to keep everything confidential. John had a number of suggestions including selling a large chunk of stocks and putting it into a few Bitcoin accounts. "Do it all tomorrow" he told John. He went to gym for an hour had a strenuous work out and then went back home to Jessica.

Sitting on the patio he cooly said to Jessica "Jessica, I know you are having an affair with Brandon, do you want a divorce so you can be with him?"

Jessica was taken aback but immediately responded with apparent amusement. " Rob you know that is ridiculous, Brandon is a good friend but it is purely platonic!!"

"You are being silly but it is flattering that you are jealous, that's not like you!" He continued to cross-question her about Brandon at length and she adamantly denied that anything was going on and said Rob was the only person she loved. She sounded convincing and Rob knew that he would have believed her if he had not seen it with his own eyes. He was still in shock perhaps in denial, and he felt intense disappointment, anger and hurt all mixed into one.

The next day, a work day, he telephoned Monica and said he had something important to speak to her about. He said it was important that Brandon and Jessica did not know about it. She pressed him but he refused to say anything else so she said "Pop around now and you can get it off your chest."

Monica was so nice and he did not want her blind-sided by what he was

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