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Get That School Spiritthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 2372 words)

Author: Papaof4
Added: Mar 15 2001Views / Reads: 6229 / 5069 [81%]Story vote: 7.75 (4 votes)
Getting all caught up in the emotions of a football game, a cheerleader makes comment that at first she is not sure she can go through with, but finds later that she is very glad that she did. (Note: This is a first attempt of mine to write from the fem

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It was that last game of our senior year in high school. One last chance for us to win against the dreaded Wolverines, who had dominated us our entire high school career. Time was running out, and we needed to score, badly!

The coach called the final timeout, and when Rob, the quarterback ran to the sideline to talk to him, I took advantage of the break in the action, and instead of leading my squad of cheerleaders in front of the home crowd, I led them running onto the field and into the huddle to give encouragement to the rest of the players.

As each of us patted the players on the back and gave words of encouragement to them, I found myself standing between Rick and Jim, one arm around each and whispering (actually more of a raspy yell) through the ear holds of their helmets that I would give anything to have us win this game. "Anything?” they both said in unison. I could see their wicked sly grins behind the facemasks, and I was so caught up in the emotion of the game that I smiled broadly and nodded my head.

Then with out any warning I felt one big hand under my short cheerleader skirt, pressing tight against my crotch, and a second hand under the back of it squeezing my butt. "Does 'anything' include you getting off some of this for us after the game if we win?" My eyes widened, and without even thinking what I was saying, I responded, "As long as it is both of you at the same time." ...

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