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Jillthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:first time, 1976 words)

Author: The Collector
Added: Mar 21 2001Views / Reads: 4002 / 3421 [85%]Story vote: 8.56 (9 votes)
She was his dream girl, but never were his dreams this good.

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It was summer. The day was somewhat cool, which was surprising due to the recent hot weather. I had been going to the swimming pool in the town park every day for the past week, but on that day I decided to go shoot some hoops on the court behind the high school.

The car was in the shop, so I grabbed the keys to my dad's truck and headed off in the direction of the high school. I was dismayed at the sight when I got there, as the court was full with two teams going at it in five on five action, with more people sitting in the grass waiting to get in on the next game. I guess I shouldn't have expected anything less on a cooler day like that one.

I decided that I really did want to play basketball, so I stuck around. I got in on the second game and scored two of our team's points on the road to winning the game eleven to eight. I'm not really a great basketball player, but I did what I needed to do in that game.

Surprisingly, about half of the guys who were there left after the game, leaving just enough for three on three. After picking up teams, we began to play. As we did, four girls stopped by to watch us.

The game ended rather quickly, and all five of the other guys left, taking three of the girls with them. The only people left were me and Jill, who just happened to be my dream girl.


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