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Blackmailed by the brother-in-Lawthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 10671 words)

Author: Stormbringer
Added: May 22 2000Views / Reads: 10676 / 8312 [78%]Story vote: 9.21 (14 votes)
A beautiful young woman is forced to perform for her husband's brother.

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Blackmailed by the Brother-in-Law By Stormbringer

Bernard laid naked on the large bed, his little five and a half inch cock was hard in anticipation and his crotch was making thrusting motions as he waited for his wife to finish changing in the adjoining bathroom. It was their first night in the house he had grown up in. He and his brother David had roamed the big halls of the old house playing the games that little boys played, the best of friends, until the incident that drove them apart had occurred. The brother's father had passed away eight years earlier, and their mother several months ago. Bernard being the oldest, at 38, had inherited the house and he and Anne had decided to move back to his home town, since job opportunities were not very fruitful in their area. David had inherited his fair share of the money, but had not gone to their Mother's funeral as he was away in Africa on a photographic safari. He had called a week after they buried her and talked to his brother Bernard for the first time in 17 years, short of quick conversations on birthdays and Christmas. Now, David was coming to stay with them for a week, to collect some things and go pay his respect to his Mother and Father's grave site.

"Ready or not, here I come," yelled Anne from the bathroom. Bernard ...

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