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House Huntingthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:interracial, 2623 words) [4/4] show all parts

Author: KSEE1
Added: May 22 2000Views / Reads: 1271 / 1150 [90%]Part vote: 9.67 (3 votes)
After having a voyeur catch a three way between his girlfriend and sexy real estate agent, football player Jerome Stevens finally meets a sexy secret admirer.

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In a grouchy mood, Jeffrey Blake rooted through the side cabinet of the media center, searching in vein for his compact video camera.

"Pam have you seen..." Jeffrey turned to his wife who gave him that 'don't bother me I'm reading' look. Giving up, Jeffrey threw up his hands leaving the room, muttering to himself.

Pam was curled up in her customary position in the far corner of the love seat, dog earring pages of a imported lingerie catalog. Each choice made with Jerome in mind. His name brought a perverse smile to her lips. In secret she burned for him every ommoent they were part.

His manhood had filled her so utterly, fulfilling her needs and libidinous desires. Even the shocking lesbian tryst she succumbed to made her skin tingle with residual excitement. All would be perfect if she wasn't bothered by the "phantom peeping tom" seen by Jeromes girlfriend, Angela, as they lay intertwined in an orgasmic knot. She worried who was watching her. She worried that Jeffrey, her family and colleagues would find out.

So, with extreme reluctance, she agreed to part with Jerome for a week ...

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