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The Visitthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:bondage, 2327 words)

Author: Happenstance
Added: Mar 27 2001Views / Reads: 3629 / 2893 [80%]Story vote: 8.20 (5 votes)
Chuck and I enjoy our wive's submissive behaviour.

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The Visit

By: Happenstance

It wasn't just another Sunday cook-out with Helen's sister and brother-in-law. Not this time. Our seven year marriage was settling into a routine that was becoming an overbearing tedium for both of us, especially when we compared it to the carnival of life that Chuck and Debbie's marriage had become. True, we were still deeply in love with each other after all of the years, but what had become of the fun and sparkling experiences that we used to know? Resulting from last week's conversation between Helen and Debbie, I awaited today's arrival of Debbie and Chuck with an eagerness that I had almost forgotten that I could feel. Helen shared my excitement and we talked about the events about to unfold.

"Bob, I love you very much and I will do absolutely anything to make you happy," she said with a smile.

"Debbie and I discussed our afternoon plans and since she is my sister, I trust Chuck and her to act responsibly during our experiment in fun."

"Our experiment in fun?" I asked. "Anything, Bob. Be creative!"


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