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A Hot Tub , a really hot tub............. OOoooh!this story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 3465 words)

Author: Danielle Picture in profile
Added: Apr 03 2001Views / Reads: 16028 / 13863 [86%]Story vote: 9.38 (26 votes)
After babysitting, I get into their hot, hot tub.

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[Hi, My name is Danielle. (Picture in bio) I am home from school for a small break, living with my parents and enjoying myself tremendously. I wrote a story a couple days ago called "A day in the sun". That experience was only the beginning of the best three days of my life. Ten minutes ago I was playing with myself under the table as I was having dinner with my parents in anticipation of telling ya'll about last night.]

My neighbor Shawn had asked me to baby-sit for their 2 kids while they went to out for dinner and dancing with some friends from work. I had put the kids to bed and I lay down on the sofa to sleep until they got home. At about 1:00am Shawn and his wife Heather came home and woke me up. I had brought along a pair of sweatpants and a cut-off tee to sleep in, when I awoke I noticed that my tee had risen up and at least part of my breasts were showing. A little embarrassed I pulled down my tee shirt as I opened my eyes to see Shawn and Heather standing over me. "Good morning sleeping beauty" I heard Shawn say. Heather smiled and gave Shawn an elbow as if she was jokingly jealous of Shawn admiring me as I slept. I sat up and asked them if they had a good time and they told me where they had been during the evening. I told Shawn and Heather that the kids were good and that I had put them to bed around 10:00.

I stood up and stretched and was preparing to gather my things when Shawn said " Jim, Rachael this is our neighbor Danielle". I turned ...

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