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MY NEIGHBORthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:male domination, 6552 words) [10/10] show all parts

Author: Jigs
Added: Apr 04 2001Views / Reads: 2465 / 2201 [89%]Part vote: 9.00 (2 votes)
The Conclusion. Melanie's husband brings his Senator home with him, and he discovers that his wife has become the neighbor's slut. Melanie, her husband and their guest have an unusual dinner out where her husband establishes new rules.

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MY NEIGHBOR by Jigs Part ten

Harvey and I spent together in my husband’s bed. Like the primordial female slut I am, I freely offered him my body to serve his black penis. He fucked me three times before dawn broke. Twice he rolled me onto my back, spread my thighs, and slid his foot long ebony cock into my cunt. During each sexing I captured him between my legs and locked my ankles over his hips, squeezing him, drawing him as deep inside me as any man has ever reached. The third time he took me on my knees with my shoulders on the bed as I reached back with both arms spreading my buttocks, making it easier for him fuck my ass. God, but it was all soooo good, even tho I was so sore the next morning I could hardly get out of bed.

My husband Alvin’s return flight was due to land in the early afternoon. I had things to do to be ready for him and I was terribly nervous that Harvey wouldn’t leave in time. For no reason other than to torment me he dallied. First he insisted that we shower together, and after I had scrubbed his back and soaped his cock and balls, he pushed me to my knees and made me give him a blow job. Even after he finally shot off in my mouth, and I had swallowed his cum, he wouldn’t leave until I made him breakfast. Finally I was able to send him off over to his buddy Pete’s house next door.

I rushed off to spend an hour or so in the hot tub and on the message ...

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