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Sex Along The Interstatethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:exhibitionism, 3628 words)

Author: Joy Houston Picture in profile
Added: Apr 08 2001Views / Reads: 2616 / 1895 [72%]Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
Three women living along the interestate find that sunbathing in the nude turns them on.

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(C) Copyright 2001 by Joy Houston, all rights reserved, except those described below. Permission is granted to download, archive, and repost provided that the contents are not altered, including the disclaimers, copyrights and limitations on use and provided that no fee is charged for access. This story contains material of a sexual nature. If it offends you to read such material, please do not read further. The author does not necessarily condone or endorse the behavior described in this story. All persons and events in this story are fictitious and any similarity to persons living or dead or to actual events is purely coincidental.

Traffic on the interstate was light, much to the dismay of the three lovely ladies that were sitting around the pool, sun bathing in the nude. Their hopes of some thrill seekers today were slowly setting in the west as the sun had all but gone down. Their hopes that maybe even a regular would stop by, and spread the word with his CB radio, was fast disappearing.

The girls had meet in college, discovered that they all had something in common - they all liked to perform acts of sex before an audience. It made it so much more exciting for them, and they had been together ever since. After college they had started their own business, which was doing great, they had bought this house, which they were still in the ...

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