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Getting even-Part 6this story is part of the FanClub (mm:domination, 2946 words) [6/10] show all parts

Author: Ravished Picture in profile
Added: Apr 11 2001Views / Reads: 1405 / 1204 [86%]Part vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
I am sold me with pre-conditions to an oil-rich class mate who lusted after me. How he convinces me to break those and how I master the art of giving pleasure to a man, like a whore.

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Qasim whispered in my ears as I walked into class one day.

“Do you know Prince has the hots for you?”

I looked at him quizzically. We had had some very hot moments the previous time that we were together, but it was between us. Qasim was my lover, my master. I was not about to think of anyone else for pleasures.

Prince was the original oil sheik in our class. He came from the royal family one of the smaller oil states and was filthy rich. I hated him for his impetuosity. He had tried to strike a conversation with me a couple of times in the past, but I had evaded him.

“I hope that he does not know about us, Qasim?” I asked naively.

“Come to my room after the class and I will tell you about it.”

The class passed fitfully for me. I had noticed that Qasim had not replied to my query and I was concerned about it. We went to his room after the class.

“Now tell me Qasim, oh please tell me that he does not know!”

Qasim smiled at me sheepishly, and said. ...

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