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A New Way Of Life (Chapter 2)this story is part of the FanClub (fm:swingers, 1021 words) [2/6] show all parts

Author: LaLa
Added: Apr 13 2001Views / Reads: 3195 / 3 [0%]Part vote: 8.00 (1 vote)
The two couples go on a trip. Fantasy after fantasy will be satisfied in the days to come.

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Todd and I had a golf day planned two later and we didn't really say anything about the wonderful night of sex until the 19th hole. Over our ninth beer of the day Todd told me that Sue had been on fire since that night. He said that they have had more sex in the past two days than they had on their honeymoon. I told him that Sherry was much the same and that she had just about sucked two layers of skin off my dick. A few beers more Todd and decided that we should take the girls on vacation and see if we could meet some of their desires. Sue called Sherry a couple of days later and told us to come over to their house for dinner, and be prepared for a surprise. That night after dinner Todd announced that we were going to Maui. I told Todd that I didn't think that Sherry and I could afford such a trip. Then Todd said the three magic words-All Expenses Paid. [I can't tell you what Todd does for a living but his boss really likes him] Todd said he went to ask his boss for some time off and his boss said that he would give him a week's vacation to anywhere he liked. Todd said Maui was the first thing to come to mind. We all made vacation plans and two weeks later we were on a plane to Hawaii. Sherry and Sue started drinking on the plane and they were smashed by the time we left Las Angeles. Sherry went to the bathroom and when she came back she held her hand up to my nose and said smell. There was that familiar odor of my wife's pussy and moaned my approval to the smell and asked what she had been up to. Sherry blurted out "I jerked off in the bathroom." Todd and Sue was sitting directly in front of us and Todd said I heard that. Sherry asked him if he wanted a sniff also. Before he answered she had her ...

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