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Setting The Scenethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 2300 words)

Author: Yankee Girl
Added: Apr 14 2001Views / Reads: 6898 / 3844 [56%]Story vote: 8.20 (5 votes)
Hubby gets one fantasy fulfilled? Or did he?

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Knowing that one of my husbands long time fantasies is to have a threesome, him another woman and myself of course. Isn't that every mans? Swearing to him that it would never happen I decide to surprise him one day and he would never be any the wiser. I plan to leave him guessing. Were there 2 women or was it only me? Can I pull off the perfect sexual con?

I have been talking to Amber for some time now and feeling more comfortable with her each passing day I getup the courage to ask this favor of her. Being a straight female I my self found Amber attractive. She is of average build 5'6, long blonde hair with an olive complexion and deep brown eyes. "I asked her if she would be game in helping me play a trick on my husband?" She smiles a crooked smile and says, "Sure what can I do to help?" I explain to her my husband's fantasy, while explaining my reservations of the whole matter. Understanding she agrees that it would be fun. Amber and I make the plans to proceed with this on Friday night. As I walk home my mind begins to spin over the posabilities. In anticipation of this new adventure of the unknown and yet stimulating prospects.

Friday morning we got up normal time and then I told him that I had plans for the evening with him, that we were going to spend the night in a hotel in town and that I had all the preparations done he just had to show up. He seamed surprised yet excited to be getting away for the evening. He asks what I had in mind. I said nothing and smiled ...

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