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To bi or not to bithis story is part of the FanClub (mm:first time, 7421 words)

Author: fantac
Added: Apr 18 2001Views / Reads: 4850 / 3808 [79%]Story vote: 8.33 (3 votes)
Young man persuaded to have sex with a man, finds that he actually is beginning to like it. Friends help him to understand what happened and introduce him to the bi lifestyle.

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To Bi or not to Bi

As I so candidly revealed in "Farm youth's Chronicles, my sexual experience could be summed up in one word, "oops". It quite frankly killed any chance that I had at experiencing normal sexual growth but that is explained therein and I don't have the time or the inclination to go into it at this time.

Shortly after moving from the farm into the suburbs, I was transferred to a school in the city and had to be bussed forty minutes each way every day. The school was terrible. Most of the students were from the local Hispanic neighborhood and were tougher than any kids that I had ever been exposed to. It's just a different way of life that I had no business being involved with. I cut classes, skipped school and got sick as often as I could get away with it. It took a few weeks, but they realized the error of their ways and transferred me to another school, forty-five minutes in the opposite direction but at least it was in a good neighborhood. I got involved with vocal and instrumental music and did quite well, except that a lot of it was after school and frequently involved taking a city bus, which ran infrequently. It soon became obvious to me that if the bus didn't show within twenty minutes, I had better call for a ride or, as I frequently did, hitchhike.

Soon after moving, I found that a large airport, which had been converted to private and cargo operations, would hire me to clean the ...

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