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The Couple Pt 2this story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 1556 words) [2/3] show all parts

Author: Maestro
Added: Apr 20 2001Views / Reads: 2119 / 1672 [79%]Part vote: 10.00 (1 vote)
The continuation of an earlier story where a couple invites some new friends home for a party.

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Sarah heard the doorbell ring while she was in the dining room. Smoothing out the folds on a dressing gown that was suspiciously a size, maybe two, too small. She walked quickly to the door and used the side-window to see who was there. Looking out, she saw the young man from the Supermarket and another girl. She smiled, Jack definitely knew her type very well.

Opening the door, the cold air rushed in, pulling the robe tighter around her curvaceous body, hardening her nipples. She rushed them in, knowing that the young man's lowered head was trying to look further down. She also noted that the young lady's gaze was averted down too. This was going to be fun ...

Bustling into the living room and making all the useless, but expected, hostess talk ("I'm sorry this place is such a mess!" "Sorry that we're not ready yet, you're the first to arrive.") she prattled on before excusing herself to go upstairs and finish dressing.

Taking wide, exaggerated steps, she mounted the stairs, carefully glancing down at the couple. Both looked up to watch her leave: the young man hungrily, the woman with fascination. Jack definitely knew her type ...

In the bedroom, Jack was getting dressed. Putting on a golf shirt and a pair of relaxed jeans, he watched in a mirror as his wife came in. She ...

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