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Whispersthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 952 words) [2/6] show all parts

Author: Last Caress
Added: May 23 2000Views / Reads: 555 / 504 [91%]Part vote: 10.00 (1 vote)
I return the favor to Cheryl

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Chapter 2

I sat in the driver's seat of my car. Cheryl was already sitting down next to me. "No one has ever opened doors for me. It's nice to be treated like a lady."

"I was always taught to be a gentleman."

"I'll thank your mother when I meet her. So, where are we heading?"

"You said you like the theater and comedy. I found out that there is a matinee at The Opera House in Woodstock."

We kept close during the show. Holding hands as we silently cursed the armrest between us from being close. After the performance, we went across the Town Square to this little pub and restaurant for a dinner. It was pleasant. We felt so comfortable together. People must have thought we had been together for a long time. Music started playing from the other end of the room. Cheryl saw some people dancing. I looked over my shoulder as she commented that it looked like fun. I quickly stood up and asked Cheryl to dance.

I took her hand and led her to the dance floor. We dance for a few numbers and then a slow dance was being played. Cheryl was about to move off the floor when I pulled her back. I grabbed her and held her ...

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