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You'll Go Blind! (Or How I Got More Than An Eye Test!)this story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 2676 words)

Author: NorwichGuy
Added: Apr 26 2001Views / Reads: 4201 / 3670 [87%]Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
The story of how I ended up missing my eye test appointment but getting a whole lot more when I got to the Opticians!

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It was Saturday afternoon and I had been out until the very early hours drinking the night before, I was woken at around 2pm by a phonecall, the phone being right next to my bed, it was my opticians phoning to ask why I hadn't shown up for my 1:30pm sight test..... the girl on the other end sounded pretty laid back about it so I told the truth, she giggled and said that if I turned up around 5:30pm they would see me as the last appointment of the day otherwise they could charge me for a missed appointment, I wasn't exactly flush with money at the time so I had to drag myself out of bed and get down the city to make 5:30pm.

I arrived at around 5:25 and went to the reception desk, I gave my name and asked if I was in time....the answer was no!!! It appeared that the guy that was supposed to give the test had left after his 5:15 to pick up his daughter from a birthday party!!! As I turned to walk away the girl said that the other optician was still about and may be able to do the test, she motioned me to sit in the deserted waiting room and walked into one of the sight test rooms. I twiddled my thumbs for a minute or two waiting to see if my journey had been in vain.....the receptionist came back out of the room smiling, she said that I could go in now and get my test done. I thanked her and walked into the room she had left. The room seemed empty so I took my jacket off and sat down on the huge chair, a voice came from a small cupboard "I'll be there in a minute, take a seat", "Okay" I said already seated but nursing a killer headache.


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