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My Neighbors Partythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 2758 words)

Author: cynful69
Added: Apr 28 2001Views / Reads: 20076 / 17910 [89%]Story vote: 8.37 (19 votes)
I have to go out of town and tell my wife to go ahead and go to the party across the street. Although she has never been unfaithful before, I guess there is a first time for everything. True Story

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My Neighbors Party

My wife and I have been married for 12 years and as far as I know we had always been faithful to one another. I love her very much as I believe she does me. Heather is 5’9” tall and approximately 135 pounds. Her slender body is attributed with a nice set of breasts and a very tight sexy ass that consistently gets a rise out of me. She has medium length brown hair and penetrating brown eyes and a beautiful smile. She is very attractive but until the party would not admit to herself that other men would want her. It seemed we would argue about having sex on a regular basis. There were times in our marriage when I would go months without any type of intercourse or sexual play. She was not into any position other than missionary style and her orgasms were rather uneventful. She didn’t mind my going down on her but she refused to reciprocate. Our life other than sex was also uneventful. We never fought and lived very peacefully together. However, when she hit the age of 35, my wife became much more sexual. We began having sex multiple times a week if not more than once a day. We began doing it in all different positions and her orgasms became unbelievable. Over time I would say my wife has gotten to the point where she gives the best hand job I have ever had although oral sex is still out of the question. She freely admits to the change and says she feels horny more of the time. We fight more often now but our sex life is great. This story is about the night that everything changed again.


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