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A New Boss in a New Citythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 2011 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: Lady Euphoria Picture in profile
Added: Apr 30 2001Views / Reads: 9395 / 5682 [60%]Part vote: 8.00 (7 votes)
How I came to start fucking my boss. First part. More to come!

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I guess I should start this story off as to how I got down here to New Orleans and ended up fucking my boss. I was recently laid off from an Internet company in New York (that is where I'm from). I had applied to numerous jobs in the paper and from sites like monster.com. I didn't like anything I was hearing so I decided to open up all my resources and use the Internet. I had decided I wanted a similar relationship with my new boss as I had with my previous boss. This was a mixing business and pleasure type of relationship. I loved every minute of it. Many of my best experiences were with my previous boss. Not that I have had many experiences as I'm only 20. I already had an AOL account so I decided to just create a new name on that. My screen name implied that I was a Sexy Assistant and I added a profile, which told all about me and had a web page with pics and resume attached. I had a ton of responses and set up a bunch of interviews. Still no luck. Then I had gotten an instant message from a partner in a law firm down in New Orleans. We started chatting and I really liked what I was hearing. His screen name implied that he was a lawyer looking for a right hand woman. He gave me his number and asked me to call him, which of course I did. The conversation started out normal. Pretty much started out talking about what we wanted. I told him what I wanted in a boss and he told me what he wanted in an assistant. Then the question came. What do you look like he asked me. Well I'm not going to lie to you I'm not Pam Anderson, but still pretty cute. I stand about 5 feet 7 inches, have curly reddish brown hair, and light brown eyes and very fair skin. I was afraid he was going to say ...

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