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Puckered Pussythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 2205 words)

Author: gaguy
Added: Apr 30 2001Views / Reads: 3721 / 3076 [83%]Story vote: 9.00 (2 votes)
Sara is a business associate. This story is about the night she came to my apartment and came. It contains a little humor and lots of Sara's pussy.

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Puckered Pussy

I love to eat pussy. No use beating around the bush (no pun intended). I love all heterosexual sex but I get particular enjoyment out of eating pussy. The following describes my latest episode.

I run an engineering consulting firm and Sara was one of our vendors. She ran a very successful small company that we had worked with for years. She had inherited the company from her father.

Sara was all business. Over the last couple of years, I would occasionally invite her to my office and we would chat for a few minutes. Our conversations never went beyond business or small talk however.

We were both in our forties. I was divorced. Sara had never married. I couldn't understand why. She was very attractive and beneath the proper business attire, I could tell she had a great body. Most of the time, she had a business suit on but occasionally I could glimpse her blouse that covered very nice breasts. I could also see that she had beautiful legs. From a few comments she made, I knew that she regularly worked out. I also knew that she had some men friends so I didn't think she was asexual or homosexual.

One afternoon, she arrived late to deliver a rush order. Everyone else ...

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