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One Hot Day Part 3this story is part of the FanClub (ff:interracial, 1751 words) [3/3] show all parts

Author: juice23
Added: May 05 2001Views / Reads: 3360 / 2555 [76%]Part vote: 8.50 (2 votes)
Part 3 of One Hot Day. My best friend and her friend/coworker joins me at the beach

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One Hot Day Part 3

Phil and I tried regained our composure when Stacy and her friend Samantha walked over to join us. "Hey guys sorry I am so late". "It's ok" I said " we were just getting to know each other better." "Jen, you have known dad for years" she said with a laugh. "Yes, but there is so much more to him than I ever thought" I replied. I looked over at Phil and he looked a little uncomfortable so I shut up while Stacy introduced him to Samantha.

"Anyone want to go for a swim?" said Stacy. "Not me, I want to work on my tan" I said. "Sorry, sweetheart, I have to go and make some phone calls, but you girls have fun". I was disappointed that he was leaving, I was wishing I could leave with him, and make him forget all about those phonecalls. We said goodbye to him and he left, and Stacy and Samantha walked out toward the water. I watched them walk, thinking that Samantha had a really nice ass. She had long black hair and blue eyes, and a tan that I would kill for. She was very well proportioned. Stacy too but I never thought of her that way since we had been friends for so long.

One night when Stacy was staying the night at my house, she told me that she had been with another female, someone that she works with, that her name was Sam. I was shocked because she had never mentioned to me that she had ever thought about sex with another female. ...

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