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Sailing last weekend with my new friendsthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 6019 words)

Author: Danielle Picture in profile
Added: May 05 2001Views / Reads: 82067 / 59049 [72%]Story vote: 9.13 (15 votes)
My weekend sailing with my Dad's friends from work turned out to be quite different than I expected.

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Hi everyone again, my name is Danielle (picture in bio) and I just had a great weekend on a boat with friends. My pussy is so wet as I begin typing. The weekend was fantastic, I just had to tell y'all about it.

Last Thursday my parents had a cocktail party and both invited friends from work. Two of the guys my dad invited were talking about their weekend plans sailing. I was playing the good little hostess when I stopped to hear them lay out their plans. I have gone sailing a couple times, and I just love it. The guys invited my parents along; they declined with my dad saying that I was the "sailor in the family". One of the guys (Paul) asked me if I would like to come along, I eagerly accepted. I was kinda surprised my parents didn't object.

Later that evening I packed for my weekend. Shorts, tops, shoes, a few bikinis and a white sundress with some white heels. (I am not sure why I packed the dress and the heals). As I lay in bed I wondered what the weekend would bring. I fell asleep dreaming of blue water, sailing with Paul and the other guy. I realized I couldn't even remember the other guy's name. I was to meet them at the marina at 2:00 the next afternoon. Mom dropped me off at the marina and I followed Paul's directions down to the boat. I was wearing some little jean shorts, a white midriff tee and some white deck sneakers. As I approached the boat Paul yelled toward me "ready for a sail?". I stepped onto the boat with a little 'Aye, aye, captain".


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