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Sexual Prowessthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 8174 words)

Author: scrambler
Added: May 10 2001Views / Reads: 8630 / 7569 [88%]Story vote: 8.80 (5 votes)
A beautiful girl, home alone, receives a spontaneous visit from her best friend, who direly needs advice on improving her sexual prowess...

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Sexual Prowess

By Scrambler

"Kate honey have you seen my keys?" Kate's mother asked as she ran her palm along an upper shelf in the pantry, too high for her to see but low enough for her to scan with her hands, "Your father and I have to be at the banquet by eight o'clock tonight, and you know how crowded the freeways are going to be the longer we wait." "Did you check your pockets?" Kate asked in reply, not taking her eyes off of the applicator for her nailpolish as she worked on the fingers of her left hand, "Sometimes I just tear my room apart looking for something, and it turns out that all the while it was just sitting in my pocket. I feel kind of silly later, not checking the obvious places first." Kate's mother, a slender, attractive woman in her early forties, tapped her fingers on the kitchen counter in contemplation as she took in Kate's words, thinking about where she could have left her car keys -- it seemed she had already checked everywhere for the stupid things, and time was fast running out! "Oh no they're not in my pockets, Kate" she finally replied, running her hands through her coat pockets and absentmindedly patting down her evening dress, even though she knew it had no pockets to begin with, "I guess Dad's keys will have to do -- he has a copy of the key to my car anyway." Kate smiled as her mother spoke and looked up for a moment, gasping a little as her momentary distraction caused her to miss her nail and get a little dot of navy ...

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