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Cum Farmthis story is part of the FanClub (mm:other, 4420 words) [2/3] show all parts

Author: Greg Stone
Added: May 13 2001Views / Reads: 3729 / 3243 [87%]Part vote: 9.00 (1 vote)
On day two of their summer jobs, seven hot young studs find out just what their kinky boss wants them around for.

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Cum Farm

by Greg Stone, gregstone@eroticstories.com

Part 2

The boys woke up suddenly to the sound of a buzzer ringing and the bright fluorescent lights of their bunker flickering on. Andy looked at his watch: it was exactly seven in the morning. Groggy and unaccustomed to waking up that early, he and the other six guys on the farm work team rubbed their eyes and stirred slowly in their raised cots. Each of them lay back for a moment, recalling vague but highly erotic dreams from he night before. Chad was the first to sit up. When he did he noticed something very odd: a clear rubber hose running from beneath the bottom of his sheets and up to the ceiling, where it was suspended by the metal railing system over their cots. At once he whipped off his sheet and was shocked by what he discovered. His flaccid cock was encased in a clear plastic vacuum pump, with a rubber ring at the base where it met his groin. Around the cock itself was a pink rubber ring attached by thin wires to the end of the tube, and at the very end of the pump was attached the hose that led to the ceiling system.

By now all the boys on the team had discovered the same thing: their cocks encased in vacuum pumps that were so light and well fitted that they hardly noticed them, and each with a clear plastic hose that led ...

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