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Tag Team Sexthis story is part of the FanClub (mm:threesomes, 3266 words)

Author: Jamie Michaels Picture in profile
Added: May 14 2001Views / Reads: 6605 / 4675 [71%]Story vote: 9.50 (2 votes)
Snowbound, nothing to do, not to worry they'll just do each other. Three hot young men with plenty of pendup wild sexual energy.

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This story is intended for mature audiences and contains sexually explicit material of the male-to-male nature; if this offends you please exit now! All characters portrayed are purely fictitious and any similarity to living or non-living persons is purely coincidental

Tag Team Sex


With names like Alcarez, Kantz and Freedman we sounded like attorneys, but actually we came closer to being the Three Musketeers, we had been together through high school and now two of us shared an apartment, working on our respective college degrees, while the third lived at home and studied medicine.

Alcarez came from a family of doctors, Kantz' father, in fact, was an attorney and I was from a middle class blue-collar environment with two working parents. Although we all knew the other's love for men we never realized how much we had in common until one snowy February night back in '93 when we first tried tag-team sex. Alcarez came over to spend the night and go out to the clubs, but as they say, snow and sex are alike; you never know when it will come, how many inches you will get or how long it will last. If this winter snow had been sex it would have been great; coming down in huge flakes, unexpectedly, and piling up to six inches in nearly no time, we were destined to stay in for the night, ...

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