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Clubbin at Aphrodite (the second level)this story is part of the FanClub (ff:one-on-one, 1847 words) [2/3] show all parts

Author: E'dwana Picture in profile
Added: May 21 2001Views / Reads: 2844 / 2257 [79%]Part vote: 9.50 (2 votes)
after a high-spirited threesome on the 1st floor of the 4 level club, the black / indian Nymph attacts the 2nd level (and the beautiful Asian seductress she finds there) with renewed vigor...(interracial,ff,asian)

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With the cum of blue eyes still dripping deliciously down the crack of my ass onto my legs beneath my slightly damp yellow skirt, I walked up the stairs onto the second level of Club Aphrodite...


Clubbin at Aphrodite (the second level) --copyright 2001--e'dwana morrow--edmorrow23@hotmail.com


As I reached the top of the grand wooden staircase, a blue velvet rope barred my way. The bouncer looked at me closely, his brown eyes staring out from his thin face. He looked like his day job was Computer Geek, but I knew that he was well trained in 3 different forms of Martial Arts. This club didn't half-step. He beckoned for me to come to his side, and he pulled a thin metallic rod from the table. He passed the metal detector slowly along my body, lightly grazing my skin and clothing with it, trying to pick up any hidden weapons. The soft caress of the metal rod as it stroked my inner thighs was enough to make me shiver. The brown eyed bouncer smiled a slow knowing smile and patted me on the ass as I walked past and into the main room.

This level was all plush blues. Against each wall and in each nook was some sort of powder blue velvet sofa or dark blue satin chair or even ...

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