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Major Taboothis story is part of the FanClub (fm:fetish, 2449 words)

Author: Simone
Added: May 21 2001Views / Reads: 5804 / 2613 [45%]Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
My husband and I enjoy a secret love life that we can't even share with our best friends. Role Play/Fetish All feedback appreciated!

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Copyright: Simone Not to be reproduced in any fashion without authors consent.

My husband and I are beyond naughty. Each game seems more intense than the last and it seems to make us stronger. We've decided to make our relationship work from the inside out and for that reason have chosen at this time not to have children until our 40's. Maybe then I'll write about pregnant fetishes : )

Erics nickname should be Bear. He's 6'3, 210 lbs of solid muscle. We have a farm and he works hard to keep those muscles. I on the other hand, am 5'5 and 95lbs. We fell in love in high school and have been together 10 years.

One of my fantasies took forever to come out in the open because it's such taboo. I didn't know how to approach him about it because I didn't want to disgust him. I wanted to be his little girl, to be taken gently by his easy manner. As it turned out, he made it pretty easy for me to be open about it and enjoyed it so much himself that he asks for it now! He'll pat his knee and ask his 'baby girl' to come see him after work on occasion. Still, no time is ever as good as the first time, and that's what I want to share.

We have play dates a few times a month. We actually reserve a day for fantasies and the only rule is once a month we have to add something ...

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