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ELavated trainthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:oral sex, 756 words)

Author: Superfly
Added: May 23 2001Views / Reads: 4474 / 2 [0%]Story vote: 8.00 (2 votes)
The ride home went faster then usual

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After a long trip, we still had a train ride home. There were three people on the train, on the other end of the car. Exhausted from a long day of hiking and then rollercoasters. I was ready to doze off when I felt hand on my pants. Michelle looking the other way began to reach for my crotch, and I wasn't resisting.

Squeezing my hardening member with a manic grip, my eyes rolled up in my head. Stroking now harder and harder, I thought I was going to lose it. Suddenly, the train slowed down and a few people got on our car, so Michelle stopped and just rested her hand on my stomach.

I looked at her, a smile was radiating her beautiful face. That smile changed to a wicked one as I felt her hand go back to my lap. Slowly at first then back to a vigerous pace. I looked over to the middleaged woman across the way, she was looking over every five seconds or so. The train was stopping again, but this time almost everyone got off. An overweight, but attractive woman definately in her forties, was the only one left and she was right next to us.

Michelle now stopped as the woman looked over starring without regard. The train started again and Michelle put her head on my lap. The woman now looked out the window and I put my hand up Michelle's shirt, caressing her large tits, squeezing her patruding nipples. Her nose stroked my hard penis and she softly bit my head. Holding back laughter, I reached my hand from under her shirt and down under her ...

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