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A visit to Chicagothis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 5317 words)

Author: Nebula
Added: May 29 2001Views / Reads: 1983 / 1615 [81%]Story vote: 9.67 (3 votes)
An amazing encounter between two cyber lovers meeting for the first time. Story includes,exhibitionism, as well as oral sex and anal play. Feedback is welcome.

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A visit to Chicago

As I moved through the airport my nerves were on edge. What were the chances that he would be here at the same time as me? Being the coward that I am, I had left a hasty e-mail as I bolted from the house informing Greg, my friend, confidant and cyber lover that I would be in town. The flight had only taken and hour so the chances of his actually getting my message before I got here was next to nil.

I looked around for the ride that my company had said would be waiting and upon my arrival at the luggage area I found a very familiar looking man holding a sign with my company emblem on it.

"Are you waiting for me?" I asked what I assumed was my driver.

"I have been waiting for you for months sexy." He said in a deep voice that I clearly recognized.

"Greg?" I said with a shaky voice.

Leaning down slightly he looked into my startled eyes and said, "Your flight was early Cynthia."

I gasped as he took me in his arms and pulled me to his body tightly. "Oh my god...I can't believe your here." I said as I wrapped my arms ...

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