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My Naughty Neighbors, Ch.4this story is part of the FanClub (fm:voyeurism, 4712 words) [4/7] show all parts

Author: christo324
Added: May 31 2001Views / Reads: 3238 / 2941 [91%]Part vote: 9.00 (2 votes)
Nick looks after Buddy & Cindy's apartment while they vacation in Aruba, and can't resist snooping around some...which leads to a confrontation and erotic offer from his older, more experienced friends

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In the weeks following none of us made mention of the little phone sex episode Cindy and I had. I didn't bring it up because I didn't know how. You can't quite ask the wife of a friend if she was serious about having sex with you. Especially when her husband is a good friend. And double especially when he's quite capable of breaking your body into bloody chunks and swallowing them whole. I let it lay. I couldn't sleep at night, but I let it lay.

It was about that time that Buddy let me know that he and Cindy were going to Aruba for a week. He asked if I could keep an eye on their place, get the mail, that sort of thing. He also asked if I could feed his fish for him. Buddy kept a good-sized tank with about a dozen tropical fish, and he had me over to show me how much to feed them each day.

"Not too much, not too little," he said. "And feed them in the morning, so if you get stuck at work I don't come home and find them floating.


"Honey, how about this one?" Cindy asked, coming into the living room. I turned and there she was, standing in front of us in a bright red bikini. My jaw popped open and my dick expanded like it was filled with helium. Her big breasts strained against the Lycra cups, and the V-cut bottom didn't quite hide the pale blonde thatch between her legs. ...

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