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Sarah Goes Wildthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 4541 words)

Author: PartyGuy
Added: Jun 01 2001Views / Reads: 14089 / 12257 [87%]Story vote: 8.75 (4 votes)
Sarah (not real name) goes wild on Alumni weekend and lets six men use her as a sex toy - group, anal, pissing and more. Based on actual events.

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I married my wife Sarah 3 months out of college and probably never quite got out of college mode. We were both on the five year plan and just happened to luck out and graduate in December together. Sarah and I had met at a fraternity party our senior year and dated maybe 7 months before getting married. We married in order to tie up a loose end as we moved away from home for me to pursue a job offer on the west coast.

Sarah is what my older brother lovingly refers to as the model sorority chick. She's 5'4", size 4, straight shoulder length blonde hair and blue eyes, athletic build and perky B cup breasts. I typify his "typical frat boy" definition by being 6 feet tall, brown hair, occassional shave, ratty baseball cap, ripped khaki shorts and worn out white t-shirt. That's not how I always looks, but at the time, that was pretty much it.

The following October was Alumni weekend at our old school, and we had made plans with our friends, most of whom were still in college, to meet up and hang out for the weekend. Sarah had caught up with her best friend from college and were making plans, and my plan was to hang out at the old house as much as possible, kick back and relax.

Our first day back on campus was pretty much like old times. It was a Saturday, and while the campus is dry, most of the places around it are full of any kind of alcohol or drug you might want. By about 2 pm ...

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