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Vegas (Part 1)this story is part of the FanClub (fm:swingers, 8356 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: KK
Added: Jun 02 2001Views / Reads: 8364 / 7583 [91%]Part vote: 9.00 (12 votes)
During our annual Vegas vacation last July my wife and I meet another couple who turn out to be swingers. In part one I realize that Carl and Georgia are swingers and tell my wife but she doesn't believe me. Find out how Mary reacts to the truth.

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I am a consultant for a large computer company and my wife Mary is a real estate agent. We have one child, a daughter that we just sent off to college. We miss her very much but are also enjoying the freedom that the empty nest gives. Mary and I are in our mid forties and have been married for the past nineteen years. We met during our senior year in college but it took me two years to decide that I needed to make Mary a permanent part of my life and I have never regretted that decision

We learned early in our marriage that sexual intimacy can get stale in a hurry especially with a child in the house. To counter this we began to schedule a one week vacation each year just for the two of us. We always tried to make these vacations as romantic as possible. Luckily our parents were always more than willing to have our daughter spend a week with them and she enjoyed visiting with her grandparents.

Over the years Mary and I began to look for vacations that were not only romantic but would also be exciting. Twelve years ago we took our first vacation to Las Vegas and we both loved it. At the time we thought Las Vegas was the tackiest city in the world but it also provided the most fun we'd ever had on a vacation. Since that first Vegas vacation we have been back every year.


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