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She noticed!!!this story is part of the FanClub (ff:one-on-one, 3473 words)

Author: Boo1104
Added: Jun 05 2001Views / Reads: 5115 / 3994 [78%]Story vote: 9.00 (5 votes)
A rainy day brings two friends closer together in a great way. This is my first attempt friends...Be gentle...

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I had always thought that she was a pretty girl. From the first time I saw her, but I never noticed anything beyond that. She was a close, dear friend of mine and my fiance. Karen was about 5'6" with reddish-brown hair that cascaded past her shoulders, pale skin with freckles here and there. Though she wasn't thin, she was far from heavy....beautiful as a matter of fact. However, I had never seen her as more than a close friend.

My fiancee had a thing for her and openly admitted it to me (we have a very open and honest relationship). Never the less, I had not seen her as more than a friend.......until one weekend when we went to the beach. We had went as a group: Me, Devon (my fiancé), Andre (my brother), and Karen. We grabbed some snacks and sodas, filled up a cooler and headed for the beach! Devon and I joked around during the one hour trip while Karen and Andre sat in the backseat chattering every now and then. I figured that they would eventually hit it off because my brother prided himself on being a "lady's man". However it didn't happen that way at all.

Karen hung around Devon and me most of the time! If she wasn't playing and splashing around with me, she was on Devon's back or something like that. If she had been anyone else, I may have gotten jealous, but I didn't. Actually, it was beginning to turn me on a little. Thank goodness I was submerged in water already! We all got out the water for a while and let the sun warm us for a while. My caramel skin had ...

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