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Honeymooners Lesbian Seductionthis story is part of the FanClub (ff:seduction, 2629 words)

Author: kj26kj
Added: Jun 06 2001Views / Reads: 6539 / 5739 [88%]Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
Two attractive women on their honeymoons are unexpectedly seduced by a beautiful lesbian.

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Honeymooners Lesbian Seduction

My name is Louise. I'm 30 years old, married with no kids. My husband Roger and I recently went on a 'second honeymoon' to the Caribbean. We were married when we were young, in our early twenties. This trip was going to be a getaway for both of us. We'd been working really hard and needed a major break just to reconnect with each other and inject a little spice back into our lives -- our sex lives to be exact. We boarded the plane and I was really looking forward to this whole trip -- two weeks at a beautiful Caribbean island staying in a really, really posh resort. We took our seats and I was sitting beside a young woman who I found out later in the flight was 21 years old. She actually looked about 16, she was unbelievably girly looking but after talking to her, she turned out to have a pretty good head on her shoulders. She had been married one day before and Kali (her name) was on her honeymoon with her brand new husband Tom. I found out that they were headed for the exact same resort as we were and I also found out that Tom and Roger both worked in the computer business.

The flight passed uneventfully but we did make arrangements to have dinner with Kali and Tom that evening at the resort. We arrived at the island and all the transportation was arranged to get us to the resort. We got settled and then went to dinner with Tom and Kali. They were great. They were so totally in love that I was envious. Roger and I were in love but after 8 years of marriage, we really needed a ...

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