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"Tramping"this story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 7472 words)

Author: Katherine English
Added: Jun 07 2001Views / Reads: 3163 / 2566 [81%]Story vote: 9.60 (5 votes)
She hiked alone, or so she thought, covering the wilderness trail in solitude until she encountered the elusive "tramper" she'd nicknamed "Redpack". He was virile, passionate, and what they shared was truly a wilderness experieince.

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"Tramping" by Katherine English

I closed my eyes...the sparks from his fire ring flashing erratically against the soft, velvet interior of my eyelids. A rush...a hot, viscous flood of my juices flowed heavily into my palm as my voice rent the still fabric of the night once more. Rapidly I thrust my fingers into my quivering core...trying to satisfy the driving need that screamed through my very being...two...three times. Lunging...thrusting against my plundering fingers I cried aloud...until the wet flow of my passion dripped heavily against the fabric of my sleeping bag...until I lay trembling and gasping within the heated womb of my own desire.

This can't be happening, I thought...it can't.

But it is... ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Earlier that evening:

It was good to get off.

Leaving college with all its aggravations far away in the valley below had been the best decision I'd made in a long time. Life had been pressing in on me of late...filling in the room I needed to move...to ...

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