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Demons At Nightfallthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 3095 words)

Author: Karynn Picture in profile
Added: Jun 16 2001Views / Reads: 2934 / 1959 [67%]Story vote: 8.00 (2 votes)
Young woman finds herself unable to sleep, tormented with images of her boyfriend and decides to pay him a late-night surprise visit.

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Demons at Nightfall

With hand poised to knock, she allowed her mind to wander a bit, wondering how many times she'd come to knock at this door over the past few months. They were countless, yet each special and each significant. He'd told her long ago to stop knocking, that it was long past time for such things. Yet their spaces were still separate, and this was his space. She didn't feel right simply walking in, even if she had taken the key he'd offered long ago.

She paused a moment longer, glancing down the hallway and out into the night through the window. What seemed like an immeasurable amount of stars dusted the dark sky, shining down their tiny pinpoints of light. So often she'd lain in his arms, staring out his bedroom window or hers, staring up at those very same stars. Each night they gave her comfort as she fell asleep, helping to push the demons inside of her to the fringe, allowing her to go on about her daily life.

Yet each day, when she was apart from him and without his reassurance of love, she felt that familiar pang of pain and despair. For so long now she'd wondered when it would go away, wondered how long it could possibly continue. That part of her life was over, and yet she still couldn't let go. Or it wouldn't let go of her. It fooled her into thinking she was "better", letting her have her moments of happiness and serenity, yet it was those very moments that made the slap in the ...

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