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The Board Roomthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 1760 words)

Author: Cyrano
Added: Jun 18 2001Views / Reads: 4149 / 2426 [58%]Story vote: 8.00 (2 votes)
While wrapping up the final touches in the board room for a big presentation that a guy and gal have been slaving over for the past week, they get a little carried away with early celbrations late the night before the big meeting.

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Board Room Agenda

"We're gonna do it! We're going to make the deadline but we're cuttin it real close." You shout out happily as we're putting together the last parts of the proposal.

All week long we've been busting our humps getting this pitch ready for the board meeting and now it looks like we've finally done it as we assemble the last few packets around the conference table. It's just you and me, alone, late on a Thursday night. We're the last ones left in the office working around the luxurious setting of oiled mahogany, thick carpets, the aroma of leather and softness of deep pile carpets with just a few lamps on to cast a faint glow on our work.

All week long I've been constantly at your side, getting factual details here, suggesting another format there, anticipating your needs and rapidly filling them. But all week you don't know how I have also been imagining other needs of yours I could fill. Every day when I see more of those shapely legs as your skirt hikes up a little further when you lean over a table; every time I catch a passing whiff of your perfume in the morning or see a slight hint of cleavage at the top of your blouse buttons, work is far from my mind.

I've noticed you checking me out in a non-employment way also. You're giving me sidelong glances when you think I'm not looking, letting your ...

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