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Saturday Girlthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:first time, 3368 words)

Author: Rider On The Storm
Added: Jun 24 2001Views / Reads: 14736 / 12649 [86%]Story vote: 8.00 (4 votes)
My young Saturday Girl decides that i should be the one to initiate her into womanhood

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Saturday Girl.

I own a television and hi-fi store. Most of the week I can cope on my own but on Saturdays I employ a young girl to help out in the store. Her job is to look after customers who are buying just leads, batteries etc. leaving me to look after the higher spending customers. Sarah can wear what she wants providing its not jeans. She usually wears dark trousers and a teeshirt.

On Saturdays when the weather was atrocious and customers seemed thin on the ground we usually just chatted. Sarah was 18, tall and slender with long blonde hair. She was very pretty and looked extremely sexy. This was the reason I’d employed her. Most of my customers were young men and they were better spenders when a pretty young girl was around. It was secondary that I enjoyed looking at her as well.

One wet Saturday Sarah was unusually miserable. It took me most of the day to discover that her boyfriend had dumped her. It took a bit longer to find out why. She wouldn’t put out and he demanded that she did.

‘It wasn’t that I didn’t want to’ she argued, ‘I do want to find out what it’s all about. But no-one is going to tell me when or how’

I’d already discovered the best way to get Sarah to do something was to ask not tell. ...

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